Mastery of Knowledge: The Steel Valkyrie

Public audience with the Emperor

Mastery of Knowledge: The Steel Valkyrie

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:26 am

Kristal stepped forward, prepared for the challenge ahead under the guidance of Servant 9. A warleader as she might be, skilled and knowledgeable in the ways of combat and how to make an enemy submit the woman could scarely be allowed to keep her footing under the exacting and specific nature of Servant 9. It was a total and near complete wash once her field of knowledge, her practical skills, could no longer be tested to grant her further leverage.

Finding herself under this scrutiny, Kristal prepared herself and focused inward.

"Today is done," she spoke confidently, "I shall not be submitting myself to this further testing of my loyalty, to submit to this testing would only serve to allow there to be a question of it where there has never and will never be. I am steadfast, resolute in my purpose. None dare question my loyalty to the Empire."


Day 4, Mastery of Knowledge | Fear Check, Confidence,: 2eP+1eA+2eC+1eD 1 failure, 2 threat

Day 4, Mastery of Knowledge | Lightsaber Check, Fear Penalty, Destiny Upgrade Player + GM: 2eP+3eA+1eC+2eD+1eS 3 successes

Day 4, Mastery of Knowledge | Lightsaber Check, Fear Penalty, Destiny Upgrade Player + GM, Forgotten Setback: 1eS 1 failure

2 Success

Day 4, Mastery of Knowledge | Leadership vs Daunting, Fear Penalty, Servant 9: 1eP+1eA+4eD+2eS 4 failures, 2 threat

Extra Setback on Last roll, 2 Success

Day 4, Mastery of Knowledge | Knowledge: Education vs Daunting, Fear Penalty, Setback Penalty, Servant 9 Penalty: 2eA+4eD+3eS 2 failures, 2 threat

2 Success' overall.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber
Accompanied By: Weaver

"Cowardice is beneath me."
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Kristal Serasai
Posts: 305
Joined: Fri May 24, 2019 5:44 am

Re: Mastery of Knowledge: The Steel Valkyrie

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:33 am

Servant Nine replied, “I am Servant Nine, look at me! You may remove yourself from the Emperor’s sight.”
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: Mastery of Knowledge: The Steel Valkyrie

Postby Kristal Serasai on Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:29 am

Kristal nodded solemnly and then made her clean exit from the chamber.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber
Accompanied By: Weaver

"Cowardice is beneath me."
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Kristal Serasai
Posts: 305
Joined: Fri May 24, 2019 5:44 am

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