by Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:50 am
"Lord Bellious," she started strong, "as per her announcement and intent upon the seat is a threat to the Empire we have always known, what I have striven for the entirety of my life. That it is that woman who speaks these words now," she paused, looked away.
"A scientist who would claim the seat for their ends, and an Inquisitor promising a new age where he will see that strength will outweigh prejudice," she thought aloud, "Their presentation was not without merit but I find their character lacking. Uncommon, as it is, for an Inquisitor to promise that he will bring people together. Then we find ourselves with the scientist, an apprentice to Zash. She does not yet appear to be mad, but I have seen the violence and fanaticism that Zash attracts in her apprentices. Though effective, and well directed, they may be."
"They are, however, not without the potential to reveal their merit. I am certain we shall see what these other contestants are made of in the coming days."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber
Accompanied By: Weaver
"Cowardice is beneath me."