Player Characters

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Player Characters

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:33 pm

List of players characters in the game.
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Wed May 29, 2019 7:52 am

Name: Sylvain Torsin
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Imperial Noble
Marital status: Engaged
Age: Early 20’s
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: Fit

Sylvain Torsin was born the son of Aramis and Raven Torsin a noble family of import in Dromund Kaas. As heir of the Torsin line, Sylvain was raised in a home that valued tradition and utilitarianism. His father was a Grand Moff in the Imperial Army and his mother is an active socialite of Noble lineage. The two of them decided to only have one child so they could devote all of their political and financial resources into his success. While Sylvain was still quite young, his family sponsored the child of the Wrath of the Emperor in a political move which was meant to secure his father’s position as the Empire's top non-sith official, the Minister of War, and open up greater career opportunities for Sylvain later in life.

Sylvain’s parents discovered his force sensitivity as a boy and encouraged him to follow the path of a Sith as it not only provided them with further clout and recognition, but allowed for them to possibly extend their influence into a sphere of influence non-force sensitives cannot reach. His family firmly instilled in him a strong aversion to wasting his abilities and a commitment to use his talents for the betterment of the Empire and its cohesion.

His father was killed under suspicious circumstances a few years ago. The official record states he was murdered by Republic terrorists. Sylvain came to be the new apprentice for Darth Baras who stepped in to fill his father's shoes as the Minister of War until a new individual was picked. Sylvain graduated from Korriban shortly after his father's death and spent the next year helping establish the alliance between the Massassi and the Empire and working as head of Baras' intelligence operation and a primary apprentice. He was sent to Nar Shaddaa to help negotiate a peace with the Republic at the behest of his master. During the final days of the conference, he helped crash-land a ship headed to destroy the Republic and Imperial delegations, but was released from Baras' circle immediately after.

He spent the next year on a sabbatical of sorts travelling to remote locations of the galaxy. He returned at the behest of a new ally he had relied on during his journeys, Darth Malgus. Along with him he brought a small contingent of force-mystics which serve as his advisors in his new position as Governor of the Zygerria system. Zygerria was one of the first planets struck by the plague that has spread across the galaxy and Sylvain was brought in by Malgus to help bring the system to order.

He is a charming young man when he wants to be, but often is mechanical and utilitarian in his speech. He is often seen wearing a mask that he picked up on Korriban along with a special set of armor that most are impressed with for its unique style and special aura. He is often seen with his new apprentice, an azure haired Zygerrian woman by the name of Nasari. He is engaged to be wed to Kristal Serasai in the coming days, and has returned to Ziost to seek for allies and support for the territories he controls in the name of the Empire.

Are you in it for the Empire? Sylvain is a die-hard patriot.

Do you have interest in Force lore and exotic locations? Sylvain is fairly well-traveled.

Are you from the Outer Rim looking for assistance? Sylvain is in the same boat.

Are you a part of Malgus' entourage? Sylvain plays a small part in that.

Do you enjoy high culture and good company? Sylvain used to be that.
Last edited by Sylvain Torsin on Wed May 29, 2019 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lord Bellious on Wed May 29, 2019 12:16 pm

Name: Lord Bellious
Aliases: Moyr Ahaya, Sukri Fett, Red Wraith, Other
Gender: Female
Faction: Imperial, Sith
Species: Twi'lek (Lethan)
Background: Criminal (Smuggler)
Marital Status: Single
Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slender, Curvaceous
Complexion: Carmine


Lord Bellious is and isn't a mystery. As the Lord of the Sith she infrequently removes her full beskar'gam-like black-red-gold armour that obscures all her features but a suggestion of feminine shapeliness underneath. She doesn't hide that to the Mandalorians she's known as Sukri Fett, a founding member of the notorious Red Wraiths. Some Korriban graduates could recognise one of their peers in her, Moyr Ahaya, once an audacious and provocative apprentice of the now deceased Lord Yulo. If she has any other identities, they are not widely known... to be hers.

Not being a credit-seeker, whatever she's been doing over the years elapsed since the peace talks on Nar Shaddaa, it hasn't been too publicised, though she's been rumoured to be changing her identities like gloves. Wherever she's been spotted political trouble was about to commence - unrest, strikes, riots, coups, uprisings, even planetary-scale rebellions. Not always successful, but always leaving a chaotic aftermath where old powers have crumbled and new emerge. Chaos on Smuggler's Moon, Bankor and Makeb in recent years can be probably put in her portfolio, followed by a dozen other possibilities.


As far as good looks are concerned, the Lethan, a rare carmine colouration, is a cardiovascular arrest hazard to relevant audiences. If she's taken a measure of, it can be noticed that her lekku are slightly paler than the rest of her complexion, and the colour of her eyes shifted from golden to chromatic bronze, a sign of immersion in the Dark Side. For social calls, she chooses elegant if skimpy black tape-dresses and henna tattoos.

She used to exude a seductive demeanour even though the ostensibly mellow timbre of a chanteuse and sensual body language often belied and confused her truer image. A proclivity to flirt and tease is still a part of her, but it doesn't come up as often unless her mental glove allows her to channel it back. As a Sith, she's more businesslike, violent, vicious and ruthless, and does not suffer fools gladly.

Character-wise, early into her life as a Sith she was openly manifesting an anarchistic, radical spirit, subversive and seditious, disrespectful of laws and regulations, spurning restrictions and bans, unrepentant in pursuing her ambitions and passions. She had little tolerance for racial chauvinism or xenophobia, and abhorred slavery. Her mindset was the direct opposite of a demure, pliant Twi'lek 'entertainer' even if the realisation of it may only come in painful hindsight for those who initially assume too much.

As a Sith Lord, she has built on her mental proclivities and has embraced the letter of the Sith Code wholeheartedly, finding the radical freedom it promises to be worth striving for. But her views on manumission and emancipation have... nuanced. Only those who have the brains and the guts to fight for their freedom are worthy of gaining it. The rest is livestock. With her dedication to the Code, it is non-coincidental that her lightsabre bears the name Passion. And just like her twin-blade, her passions are concealed from most eyes and it's hard to see them coming. And yet, she's not known for a vivid romantic life, having no known partners, even intermittently.


Her other notable possessions include Virginia, a lethal if somewhat old-fashioned battle droid, and a light freighter called the Bitch. Bellious does not advertise that the Bitch is hers so making the connection requires some effort. The vessel in itself looks odd, like it could have originally been a CEC product but got hybridised in the course of an intensive Mandalorian makeover that included avionics, outer defences, floorplan, guns, etc. And there is a Mandalorian co-pilot on board to rein it all in whenever Moyr is busy. Her name is Genevieve 'Gunnie' Wren and she is an offspring of a small family within Clan Vizsla. She is as gun-happy as her moniker seems to indicate. There is also a small T3-X3 maintenance droid to take care of menial tasks on the vessel.




Lord Bellious is sometimes accompanied by a withdrawn young bluish woman who apparently acts as her personal secretary or assistant. The communicate in quite whispers. Those who are insiders of the Imperial Intelligence might now more. She uses the name Razzya.

Hooks (PM if anything catches your eye):
  • If you serve Darth Zash, we are probably enemies. If you oppose her, we may be allies.
  • Do you abhor stagnation, like to see the old world burn and descend into chaos, enjoy democratising fear, or it just fits your line of business, private or corporate? We may have things in common and may have worked before.
  • Do you have something to do with Queen of the Massassi or Aristocrae of the Chiss Ascendancy? We may have common allies.
  • If you work with or for Imperial Intelligence or have any ties to Darth Jadus, we may have things in common.
  • If you have ties to the Mandalorians, especially Vizslas, or Fetts, or the notorious Red Wraiths commando, we may be burc'yase.
  • If you are involved in discovering truth about the Emperor, we may be on similar track.
  • If you think Sith ethos needs to return to its spiritual roots, are inspired by great transformative ambitions of Naga Sadow or Exar Kun, and are generally fed up with the over-institutionalised quagmire the Sith currently inhabit because you think it's the Empire that serves the Sith not the other way around, we may find each other looking eye to eye.
  • If you have sufficiently long record in arms smuggling reaching back 5-10 years, we may have known each other in another life.
  • If you think the peace accords have been a gross mistake and the Sith should do better in precipitating the fall of the Republic into dramatic chaos, or would like to see it in Hutt Space, we may have something in common.
Last edited by Lord Bellious on Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:50 am, edited 5 times in total.
Sith Lord | Über-Twi'lek | Shadow | Many-faced Lethan | Has Already Won | Aspirant | No Known Master or Apprentice | Captain of the Bitch | Owner of La Belle Époque | Assistant: Razzya

Passion, X-30 Lancer, Fett Armour, Stims, Palm Stunner, Commlink, Datapad, Hans Scanner, Scramble Key, Virginia the Death Robot (sometimes)

"One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Rumun Gol on Thu May 30, 2019 7:10 pm

Name: Rumun Gol
Gender: Male
Species: Duros
Background: Elevated Slave
Marital status: Single
Age: 23
Height: 2,1 m/6'11"
Weight: 85 kg/ 187.4 lbs
Build: Lean

Rumun is a former slave. Not much is know about this duros, except that he did not gave a very good impression during his time at the academy at Korriban. He was not a top class student, he barely graduated. In other words, he is a nobody.

Yet, somehow, He managed to become Darth Hoshi's apprentice, the head of the Ministry of Domination and rising member of the Dark Council of the Sith Empire. How is that this duro achieved such prestigious place and station with his previous records, no one knows...

It is rumoured that he managed to convince several imperial and galactic economic conglomerates, creditors, bankers and corporations to gave their support to his master, making her rich with vast resources at her disposal.

It is whispered that he was pivotal for the adquisition of several pirate fleets, including the one of Theya Kess, bringing them into her master's influence and under her command.

How could a rather unimpressive apprentice, who is not even a Lord, managed to do that? No one knows and people continue to whisper...

Rumun is charming, inteligent, disciplined and quite approachable. He always treats other people with respect and he is eager to know their past stories and lives. Some say he lacks ambition, a trait that has been noticed by other sith, perhaps a sign of weakness?

No one knows for sure.
Sith| Duros | Darth Hoshi's Apprentice | Former Slave | Silver Tongued | Da Blue One

Equipment: Large crossguarded-lightsaber, Customized Clothes, Gauntlet, other things in his utility belt...

"Only the force can free us from the chains that bind us"
I'm blue da ba dee dabba da ♪...
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Fri May 31, 2019 1:18 am

Lord Tenebrous

Name: Shaisha Vreysk
Background: Heir to a Sith bloodline
Height: 1.6m
Build: Lithe, athletic, regal
Hair: Deep red
Eyes: Golden orange
Skin: Red

The Sith Lord might be of small frame, but she stands with the confidence of a queen and her very essence seem to project a sense of leadership and royalty. When she speaks, even without raising her voice, she has a knack for drawing attention. Her features are eye-catching; an aura of intensity, fierce gaze, red skin, and distinct ridges marking her as a true Sith. The woman is a predator.

She holds herself with an air of regalness, and seems to be able to adapt to most situations whether they be social or confrontational. A woman with a soldier's discipline, a socialite's charm, and a Sith's unabashed passion and power.

Sith Lord for nearly 4 years, Shaisha Vreysk finished her time on Koriban as one of the top three graduates of the Sith Academy, and caught the eye of Dark Council member Darth Vowrawn. In her time as his apprentice she has learned and accomplished much. She achieved her status as a Sith Lord in about a year's time, has been appointed Sith liaison to Public Security Section IX, and worked with the unit with success, showing that she's not above taking direct action to eliminate threats to the Empire.

Having embraced the social life of Ziost more in the past years, Shaisha's previously secretive nature has taken a spin to cater to the more sensationalistic lifestyle of the Imperial life. It has become more known that she's the daughter of Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath, though she's omitting the details surrounding that life. And it is known that she has a young daughter, but motherhood does not seem to have slowed her down in the slightest.

Perhaps being a reflection of her master, the Sith Lord is most often seen in fashionable and well-made clothing, always dressed for the occassion.

Other known tidbits is that she was raised in the family of the former Minister of War, Aramis Torsin, but she has seemingly cut her ties with them after the peace accords on Nar Shaddaa. She's said to be the lover of Lord Jo'ren Rath. During the Kaggath between Darth Malgus and Darth Laishen, it was Shaisha who felled Darth Laishen's lackey, Lord Nemerosch, in the final battle. She, alongside Lord Zeno Deathwright and Khalim Tsaikzu, felled the great beast of Korriban known as Death's Shadow. It is known she has close connections to Section IX, but others say that she also commands a secret group of assassins that revere her as a spiritual leader. She is, by all accounts, a competent and dangerous woman...


Hyuna Naath
Age: 26
Height: 1.69m
Build: Slender
Hair: White with pink tips
Eyes: Pale yellow

Full image

One of the newer faces in Lord Tenebrous' retinue is Hyuna Naath, who's been serving as the Sith Lord's personal attendant for the past two years. Hyuna is a commoner from the world of Begeren, elevated to the status of being chosen to directly work for a Sith.

Hyuna is a talented young woman who speaks and understands many languages, often serving as a translator or intermediary for her lord, or speaking on behalf of her lord with those Lord Tenebrous doesn't have time to see. By all appearances she seems to be considered a trusted and competent aide.

She's usually dressed well and she acts with unflappable good manners.


The Saarai-Kaar is Lord Tenebrous' personal ship, a X-70B Phantom Class ship that allows the Sith Lord to travel in style and comfort. While its main-pilot is Anthy "Snow" Zhin, a no-nonsense idealist, the ship's well-being rests in the hands of a chatty Jawa by the name Jitter, who also serves as Anthy's co-pilot. Both the crewmembers are treated well and under the protection of the Sith Lord - including the slave-Jawa.


  • Are you interested in rooting out The Eagle? Shaisha has worked alongside Section IX in the past to foil his plans once before, and is certainly going to get him this time.
  • In need of a local friend? Shaisha knows Ziost well and is familiar with the social circles.
  • Do you like high stakes and games of chance? The Sith Lord is known to enjoy Saabac and Pazak.
  • Ties to Imperial Intelligence, specifically Public Security Section IX? Shaisha works closely with them to combat insurgencies and internal threats to the Empire.
  • A seer with visions of the future? Shaisha has a great interest in hearing them.
  • Do you know the truth about the Emperor? Shaisha knows too...
Last edited by Lord Tenebrous on Tue Jun 04, 2019 8:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

Gear: Chwûq, Siqsa, armor, cloak, mask, commlink, datapad, utility belt, gloves, jewelry.
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Xyll Vanth on Fri May 31, 2019 1:45 am

//DATA CORRUPTED//FE#++Subject$#@$##UNKN#WN++#NY$#CHTUS#@Mael$strom@#WieWkF++KU$N+@for past$@+X years#ORIGI#@++EM#@RE&!SS TET$@A#++$ent34ies @#go//ACCESS RESTRICTED//CONNECTION TERMINATED//


Name: Xyll Vanth
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 18 (estimate)
Height: 5'2
Weight: Unknown
Hair: White
Eyes: Red


Xyll's long white hair might have some briefly confuse her for an Echani or Arkanian from a distance. But she is in fact fully human, albeit one on the shorter end of the spectrum, and one having a relatively unusual red coloration of the eyes. Matching them, she tends to wear dark red armored robes; and regular red or black robes when the situation calls for a less armored approach. Her accent sounds similar; but perhaps not quite the same; to High Coruscanti, implying that she is not a native of the Empire.

Public Information:

She came out of nowhere. When Xyll arrived at the Korriban academy, nobody had ever heard of her. Yet it was clear straight away that she was no ordinary student. If she had just been arrogant, few would've taken note. So many prospective Sith are confident beyond their abilities, after all. But it soon became apparent that the instructors themselves were treating her as a prodigy of uncommon potential. And *that* caused ample amounts of resentment among her fellow students. Nobody likes a rival clearly superior to them. Her stay at the academy was shorter than that of most; graduating quickly before taking the mantle of Sith Lord immediately after.

She now serves under Darth Arya; and while the details of her service to the old crone are shrouded in mystery, those that pay attention to such things might know that she's travelled extensively over the past six months or so.

  • Like figuring out enigmas? Few Sith Lords truly come up out of nowhere; there's always *some* trace of their rise to power. However hidden it might be.
  • Spent time at the Korriban academy between a year and six months ago? Maybe you were her classmate. Maybe you loved to hate her.
  • Searching for history, lost knowledge, and mystical rituals? So is Xyll. Perhaps two heads are better than one? Or perhaps you have something others want.
  • Trekked much around the galaxy recently? The Force works in mysterious ways, maybe you encountered Xyll out there?
Last edited by Xyll Vanth on Fri May 31, 2019 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent
Carries: Armored Robes, Lightsaber, Datapad, Stimpacks
"When you have seen what I have seen, you will know how small you are... and how great you may yet become."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Fri May 31, 2019 1:53 am

Name: Lord Jaheem Abasi
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Imperial Nobility
Age: 25
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: roughly 195 lbs
Build: Athletic
Hair: none
Eyes: once brown now constantly glow with the sunburst of coppery gold that signifies heavy dark side use.

A native to Ziost, Jaheem graduated from the academy on Korriban and studied under a sith lord for several years and in this time he began working with the inquisitors under the direction of Darth Hurn, the two got along well even if they had their differences. Jaheem performed well interrogating prisoners and tricking them into thinking about the information he needed.

After a few years his master began to grow suspicious of Jaheem as sith are want to do with those who are growing in power. Jaheem noticed this when his master slipped and thought about it around him. Jaheem challenged his master to combat and during the battle his master severed Jaheem's arm. In that moment the dark side coursed through him and his eyes flared with red and copper hues as he channeled a massive amount of darkside energy and directed it into his masters mind as fear. His master was frozen for a moment, utterly immobilized by fear. And Jeheem struck severing his now former master's head from his shoulders. The crowd that had gather applauded and Jaheem was now Lord Abasi of the Sith.


*Do believe strength is the true measure of a sith? So does he

*Do you hate the peace accords and believe the empire should crush the republic? You two might have something to chat about.

*Native to Ziost or been here for awhile? You may have crossed paths.

*ever work with the imperial inquisition or intelligence? Then theres a chance you've worked together before.
Sith Lord | Inquisitor | Human | Aspirant | Intimidating | Not without some charm | Fearsome
"You lack discipline, you lack control, that is why you are weak."
Robes, Lightsaber, Comm unit, Data Pad
Jania Seyjeer - attendant

theme day 4 forward
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Fri May 31, 2019 4:42 am

Name: Jun-Tsu Farro
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Fallen Sith Bloodline
Marital status: Single
Age: 21
Height: 5'6" (1,7m)
Build: Shrouded (on the lean side)

There is a disquieting silence about her and a languid grace to her movements. She takes a methodical, deliberate pace to everything she does from walking to sabre training. Laconic much of the time, she is rarely the sort to begin conversation. This if often mistaken for shyness or awkwardness, when it is more often a product of her upbringing. A scion of House Farro, she along with her five sisters and two brothers, comprise the last vestiges of a once great house. Now, the labyrinthine tombs and lavish temples, erected on Korriz on the far reaches of Sith space, are now moldering ruins. There she learned at the foot of the family matriarch Ka-Tai Farro, one of the most feared sith witches of the last three hundred years.

A millennia ago her house was at the height of its power, purveyors of Sith lore and keepers of Sith Sorcery. They were renowned for their devotion to the Dark Side and were even said to worship it with arcane rituals and rites. Now their prayers and discipleship are seen as primitive and archaic. Some scoff, but many sorcerers have begun to show renewed respect to the few Lords the remain in the decaying halls. Of the dozen that remain, decrepit and desiccated, all are masters of Sith sorcery, and when they choose to speak they have been listened to.

With such interest from occultists and scholars, it was only a matter of time before the Farro would require a presence on Ziost. Thus, Jun-Tsu, her daughter, Vas-Tsu, and a retinue of her sisters, have been sent to speak off-world with those who would petition for access to the lore-filled libraries and arcane secrets of House Farro. They sit in judgement on behalf of their House, and assess the worthiness of these would-be aspirants. A far cry from having to prove herself a Sith on Korriban, an insult the witch still has not entirely forgotten or forgiven.

* Are you interested in secret arts such as Sith Alchemy?
* Do you seek instruction on the lore or powers of the Dark Side?
* Are you also part of the lines descended from the Jen'jedai?
* Is your homeworld also on the edge of the Stygian Caldera, far from the center of the Empire?
* Do you value enlightenment through the Dark Side of the Force?
* Are you part of Darth Arya's entourage, or wish to be so?
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lt. Tyber Rook on Fri May 31, 2019 10:03 am

Name - Tyber Rook
Rank - Lieutenant, JG
Age - 26
Height – 1.82 M
Weight – 82 kG
Build - Lean
Hair - Black
Eyes - Brown
Notable Features – Dark skin, dark features. A sharp, angular jawline with an easy going smirk. His hair a mop of slight waves. Thick eyebrows that are expressive. It is rare he is seen outside of his custom Mandalorian Armor.

Motivations: Cause – Support the Empire – Tyber is a true believer in the Imperial system. As such, he supports its goals and methods, and will defend it to the last. Sedition, Treason, Insurrection? It must all be stopped and the terrorists brought to Imperial Justice.

Obligation: What’s in a Name? – Tyber is a Mandalorian, and proud of it. However, growing up an Imperial Citizen, has meant that his name and pride in his clan keeps people in power nervous. Considered to have “split loyalty”, it has cost him promotions, and greater responsibilities in military service. Sometimes, it means he has a chip on his shoulder.

Duty: Internal Security – Deceivers know their own kind. Tyber focuses on protecting the Empire from moles, double agents, and traitors.

Tyber was born on Concordia Prime, one of the Mandalorian Colpnies. His parents were members of an Imperial Ezpeditionary Force, though with proud Mandalorian heritage through one of the smaller clans, Rook, associated with the Great House Rau.

Early childhood was a blend of Mandalorian Culture, and the typical Imperial Army-brat lifestyle. Constantly on the move throughout Imperial territories, Tyber was ensured to have mainly the cultural focus on Mandalorians, especially the honored Crusader movement, in contrast to the Neo-Crusaders.

Growing up as part of the Imperial system; he knew his destiny lie with joining the military. This was all but ensured by watching the recruitment videos, and he found himself drawn to those featuring a young officer named Hala Moraal, when he was about twelve years old.

At age 17, he applied for the Imperial Army Academy. There he found his name, and proud Mandalorian heritage, was met with at best suspicion, at worst outright conflict and ostracism, egged on by some of the Academy instructors.

Demerits followed with brawls and conflicts with other students, though the others involved were often times not punished, especially those of Imperial Nobility.

Yet he was firmly entrenched in the cause, and worked harder than other students.

Upon graduation, he was placed within Special Forces. Yet suspicion and disdain followed him, often times passed over for promotion, or given unruly units to command. His intimidating stature was developed here.

Recently, he has been drawn away from Special Forces, assigned as an aide-de-camp to an Imperial Ambassador and Colonel.

One Hala Moraal.
Imperial Military
Skip Tracer | Gadgeteer | Expert Tracker | Street Smart | Intimidating | Good Cop | Tough
Carries: Specialized Mandalorian Armor
Heavy Combat: Jetpack
Languages: Basic, Mando'a
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Alister Dravvad on Fri May 31, 2019 11:00 am

Name: Doctor Alister Dravvad
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Marital status: Bachelor
Age: 27
Height: 6'4 (194cm)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Build: Slender

Description: Tall is the first word that most would use to describe Alister, slender being a close second, at over 1.9 meters all, he stands well above many other humans of the empire. It is a shame perhaps that his lengthy frame doesn't contain much in the way of muscle. Pale of skin from many hours spent indoors, his head his topped with a crop of unruly black hair often kept in disarray. His eyes: a slate grey in color, are hidden behind a pair of glasses that he wears even though medical technology exists to correct his vision. In his lab, he can be mostly be found in stained lab coats, and ruffled clothing, but somehow he manages to look almost passably fashionable in public, likely thanks to his personal assistant Vair'ea.

Info: Fourth in line to succeed House Dravvad, Alsiter is an unlikely candidate at this point in time, but in the every changing politics of the empire nothing is quite out of reach. Not that such seems to interest it, the young scientist spends most of his time cooped up in his lab, only occasionally venturing fourth to social events or to meet a potential suitor. That doesn’t mean he is entirely unknown though. He is a man of keen intellect, and an accomplished researcher, but things many houses find useful to have around.

House Dravvad: An older noble house of the empire, but not one that truly powerful, house Dravvad is know for it’s finical power more then anything. Force bloodlines a relatively weak in the family, something that’s a concern for it’s head. But they keep in good standing with a shrewd business sense and large amounts of military personnel. The current head is one Terrant Dravvad, an aging man in his 50’s, with two surviving children.

Gender: Female
Species: Chiss
Marital status: Single
Age: Mid Twenties
Height: 5'7 (170cm)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Build: Willowy

The Attractive young Chiss woman is a rather new edition to Alister's Entourage. Having been hired as his aide some nineteen months ago. She serves as a go between him and potential investors as well as a personal assistant. His family is rather pleased with her success in making the recluse somewhat more presentable for public events, and hope that she continues to be successful in the future. Vair'ea herself in happy enough with the job, though sometimes her charge leaves her at wits end. She is a professional though and tires not to let it get to her.

A droid of Alister's own design, Eg-o4R serves as a lab assistant as well as something of a bodyguard. Not one for long conversations, the droid is nevertheless alert to incoming dangers, and more then willing to go the extra mile to please his creator.


- Alister is a native to Zoist, even though he doesn't get out much. Perhaps you two have met sometime in the past?
- A scientist and researcher, Alister is well equipped to help with various tasks, or create something out of the ordinary for the discerning investor.
- House Dravvad has many members in the military, and while Alister does not serve, he certainly respects the Imperial armed forces.
- Do you like to keep out of political affairs? Alister does as well, perhaps you can avoid such responsibilities together?
Last edited by Alister Dravvad on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Imperial | Noble | Scientist | Self Employed | Eccentric | Researcher
Carries: Datapad, Stimpack x2, Comlink, Anesthetic x2, hand scanner.
Companions: Vair'ea, EG-04R
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Fri May 31, 2019 11:25 am

Name: Remmington Thalalas
Race: Human
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Height: 178cm / 5'10"
Weight: 70kg / 154lbs
Hair: White, long braid
Eyes: Brown
Build: Athletic

Remmington is a descendant of Darth Balmung, who centuries ago rose to power and was named the Herald of the Emperor. Working directly under the Emperor, the Herald's duty was the rout traitors within the Sith. He formed a powerful House but as much is the Sith way became an object of fear and jealousy. House Balmung never produced any individuals at their founder's level and steadily lost power to the machinations of other Houses over the centuries. The last descendant of the House to have any real talent was Remmington's father who was considered a genius tactician. With his fall the House was finally buried.

Those left that carry the bloodline of the former Herald are shadows of their former prestige and power. Remmington is no exception to this and prefers a quiet life honing his skills and working on various contraptions. Recently he has taken an interest in the healer arts. If asked why, he will mention something about the Mechanics of Life. He managed to graduate from Sith Academy on Korriban as probably one of the least ambitious of the students.

He is the only apprentice of Darth Daizo and sometimes helps out with her classes as an assistant instructor. He sometimes goes travelling around the galaxy for lengths of time. His last major assignment was to aid with the peace negotiations on Nar Shaddaa. There he formed an ace Hutt Ball team which quickly fell to Hutt corruption.
It is during this time on Nar Shaddaa that Remmington acquired a scar over his left eye. Although the eye still appears to be functional. He apparently is an honourary Mandalorian of the Fett Clan.

- Remmington enjoys swordplay and refining his skill
- Need a mechanic? Remmington may be your man.
- Have a thing for hanging out with a member of a Fallen House?
- Remmington has taken an interest in medicine. Maybe you attended the same seminar?
- Maybe you are familiar or know of Remmington's master, ex-Jedi, Darth Daizo.
- Remmington travels around the galaxy a lot. Maybe you ran into him at a spaceport.
Last edited by Remmington Thalalas on Fri May 31, 2019 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

Carries: Backpack, Comlink (Handheld), Datapad, Glow Rod, Laminate Armour [Mandalorian], Lightsaber - Gram, Load-Bearing Gear, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir. Ally
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Dino Brado on Fri May 31, 2019 4:58 pm

Name: Dino Brado
Gender: Male
Species: Trandoshan
Background: Manumitted Slave
Age: Early 20's (approximate
Height: 210 cm
Build: Muscular

Dino was the son of the bounty hunter, one who strayed too close to a Sith target. The Sith warrior tracked down his purported hunter and slaughtered Dino’s father in his home, selling off the remainder of the family as slaves. A ferocious youngster, Dino was sold off as a pet/instruction creature to a Sith by the name of Instructor Brado, where he was given his new first name, out of derision.

Brado was a lightsaber instructor, and liked to have his students fight against unconventional targets to prepare them for anything. As a Trandoshan, Dino could eventually recover from his limbs being cut off my lightsabers, making him a reusable target. Slowly, over the years, Dino began to pay attention to the lessons and forms that his master was teaching to his pupils. They would attack him using variants of that style, making them easier to predict. And for all of their wickedly deadly lightsabers, their bodies all had the same weaknesses: joints to target, internal organs to strike, tendons to slice.Over several years, Dino forged a style of fighting out the pain and repeated maulings from the students, and eventually began to seriously injure or kill those put against him.

Rather than be upset, Instructor Brado seemed excited and intrigued by what he was seeing. He pushed his slave into matches with more challenging opponents, occasionally taking bets. With bacta, Dino could be up and ready for the next fight in a few days, making him a more useful tool.

Excited with his new curiosity, Brado chose to bring Dino to a hunting party at the residence of Lord Bellious to show off. With his ability to heal after being cut, Brado wanted to use Dino as a hunting lure, to use his blood scent as a way to draw out predators. In this, the plan worked a bit too well: they attracted the attention of a Wampa pack, who ambushed the pair. With Dino occupied with his own own target, Brado was overwhelmed and mauled by the wampa, leaving Dino as the survivor.

Lord Bellious seemed to be impressed at Dino’s resilience, and invited him to stay at her residence, under her command but no ostensibly longer a slave. Dino considered the effective grant of freedom to be an honor that he couldn’t pass up. The job has come with a number of fringe benefits as well: a Mandaloran host to practice against, and the repeated chance to make up for lost time to please the Scorekeeper with challenging kills.

-Dino regularly rents himself out for missions if there is supposed to be a challenging target to capture. If you need a little help, he is often willing to forego payment if it winds up interesting.
-Are you confident in your lightsaber skills? Dino would like to disabuse you of that notion.
-Are you a former student of Instructor Brado? You may have a bone to pick with the xeno who "let him die".
-Are you sick and tired of the old order of the Empire? Dino has a fist he would like to drive through it.
Not-Sith | Giant Reptile | Unarmed | Hulking | Force Sensitive?
Equipment: Cybernetic Arm, Wilderness Survival Pack, Thermal Cloak, Koromondian Halfvest

Theme: Knights of Cydonia
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Dino Brado
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Fri May 31, 2019 5:23 pm

Name: Sinea Okatesh
Gender: Female
Species: Sith Pureblood
Background: Sith heir
Marital status: Single
Age: Early 20’s
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 137 lbs
Build: Lithe

What is known:
Sinea is a heir of House Okatesh, a once minor House that rose through the ranks of nobility through the ages. Though the House cannot say they are direct descendants of the original Sith, like some other famed noble families, they rather rose though diligent work, backstabbing, and judicious use of their force sensitivity. Foresight is a talent prized and bred in the House, and Sinea is the latest and strongest Seer of her family.

She graduated Korriban alongside other, more famous students, and famously once saved the life of Darth Arya from an attempt on her. Unfortunately, since then she has done few notable things. Some might find this pathetic, while others suspicious, though there must be some reason that Darth Arya has kept her around and that Sinea has earned an assignment as teacher/tutor on Korriban. For the last 3-4 years, Sinea has been tutoring students talented in sensing through the Force, present or future. She is known to have cultivated a small circle of such selected students, who are grateful (as much as a sith can be) for help during that time and some may even harbor even stronger feelings.

Some rumors in the Imperial Intelligence circles are circulating about Sinea's work in the original hunt for Magpie, with Darth Arya and Darth Baras allying for a short while on the matter, before the Crone of Secrets dropped out. Sinea has used her powers and talents to progress the investigation through unconventional means, though they have quieted down in the last couple of years, though she has just moved to Ziost for the duration of the Dark council's decision, and threw herself into the social life of the city.

-Sinea is an exceptionally powerful Seer, and also a mentor to other Seers. Perhaps you want some lessons, or some visions?
- She is currently teaching on Korriban for the last 3 years. Are you a recent graduate, or a fellow teacher? Perhaps another Korriban alumni?
- It is rumored that Sinea's foresight has been used in matters of military and counter intelligence. Are you interested in some spycraft, perhaps in hunting down the famed terrorist, the Eagle?
- Sinea is ready for every gala, ball and whatever happenstance Ziost's social life will throw at her. Wanna party up?
Confident Sith * Mystic Seer * Korriban Alumni* Mentor of Magi
Carries: Communicator, lightsaber, noble regalia
Suspicion: Untested
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Fri May 31, 2019 10:49 pm

Old avatar.jpg
Old avatar.jpg (8.5 KiB) Viewed 51211 times

Name: Jo'ren Rath
Age: Early 20's
Species: True Sith
Background: Heir to a Sith Bloodline
Marital Status: Single
Height: 191 cm / 6'3"
Weight: 95 kg / 210lbs
Hair: Reddish brown, shoulder-length
Eyes: Golden
Build: Massively powerful
Face ridges: Spiked, with two sharp points jutting downwards

Depending on who you ask the newest Lord Rath could be an arrogant thug with no social graces, the strongest most handsome sith in the Empire, a Big Damn War Hero (emphasis on Big), a whirling storm of lighsaber-based death, a Huttball superstar, or an unlikely friend to the downtrodden. The truth is probably somewhere in between.

Descended from a long line of Sith warriors and seekers, which began with the Jedaii Ranger Sek’nos Rath during the height of the Infinite Empire, Jo'ren follows his own path. In recent years has grown into a physically imposing young man and his combat skills have advanced significantly following his blending of the Shii-Cho and Niman styles. His focus on internal improvement has led to less of a focus on flashy overt uses of the force. He maintains an outward air of indifference for non-Sith and a general lack of respect for those with less physical skill; however, inwardly he holds himself to the highest standards of discipline befitting a True Sith Pureblood.

Graduating from Korriban in 3656 Jo'ren performed well enough but was only 4th in his class. Of more significance than his placement was the recovery of Darth Malak’s holocron, which would eventually lead him to discover the remnant Star Forge left behind by Darth Revan on Nar Shaddaa. Now fuelled by the bodies of dead beings it has grown into a potent engine of creation, fuelling the restoration of Darth Vengean’s forces. It was also on Korriban that he first met the Jedi Thy Yulani, releasing her from stasis and securing her escape from the planet. They would later reunite on Yavin IV and witness the spirit of Exar Kun, before a moment of pure passion on Nar Shaddaa would lead to Thy’s pregnancy and the birth of Nilu, Jo’ren’s son. Of course, none of that is common knowledge.

What is known to most is that, having played a key role in bringing them into the Empire, the Massassi form the core of Lord Rath's overt power. He is on good terms with their Queen and has personally trained most of her guard, such that they consider him an honoured comrade. Jo'ren and the Massassi played a key role in the Battle of the Gorian Nebula, and he killed a bunch of terrorist scum on Nar Shaddaa live on Holocast. There are whispers that he may have helped to bring down Layne the Magpie. It is rumoured that he maintains a "special" relationship with Lord Tenebrous and that the two have a child together.

As Darth Vengean’s favoured apprentice Lord Rath spends much of his time away on his Master’s business. However, news of this great gathering of the Sith has brought him to Ziost from parts unknown. He is curious to finally see the Emperor, and wonders if the war his Master longs to reignite will soon be back on the Imperial agenda. Some wonder why the giant and often abrasive Sith appears to have no interest in competing for one of the vacant council seats, but he has always followed his own path. Perhaps he seeks something else entirely?

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Lt. Ashley Hin
Age: Early 20's
Species: Human
Height: 160 cm / 5'3"
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Grey
Build: Slim

Lord Rath's adjutant is an attractive young human woman who can usually be found in his company entering something into a datapad. Some wonder if he simply keeps her around to make himself look even bigger, but those who are less cynical might note that her technical skills make a fine compliment to Rath's physical power. As a Lieutenant in Dath Vengean's forces it isn't particularly clear how she came to his attention, but serving and up-and-coming Sith Lord isn't exactly harmful to one's career (although it can prove terminal).

Terror Star refit
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  • Flexes.
  • Friend of the Massassi? Maybe you're not so stupid after all.
  • Ready for war? Peace is a lie.
  • Got a problem with Darth Zash? Let's talk.
  • Interested in esoteric shit from ancient days? You wouldn't have guessed, but so is Jo'ren.
  • Are you a believer in the old ways? Think Sith should carve their own path? We can talk.
  • Like lightsabers? Hope you know how to use 'em.
Last edited by Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
Wears: Armour of the First Wrath. Carries: Two customised lightsabers; utility belt with stuff.
Ship: The Terror Star | Sidekick: Lt. Ashley Hin | Powerbase: The Massassi
"A Sith chooses their own path, their own destiny."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Dayana Valthren on Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:54 am

Name: Dayana Valthren
Height: 5'4"
Build: Willowy
Hair: Redhead
Eyes: None
Skin: Pale

This Sith Lord is masked with more than just the physical one that covers where her eyes should be. She radiates an aura of mystique. Her smile is welcoming though her chin is tilted high and proud. Her clothes are baroque and sinister in classic, Imperial manner but also alluring with lace and exposed skin.

She is the youngest child in her family's generation. She attends to the needs of the people and keeping the unsteady peace with the Galactic Republic, specifically on Corellia. Now on Ziost, it is a change in pace for her. While certainly capable of surviving in Imperial court, much of her experience is with individuals without daggers up their sleeves.


Camilla Ultera
Camilla.jpg (12.41 KiB) Viewed 51183 times

Often seen at Dayana's side is her aide, Camilla. Camilla has served as liaison on behalf of House Valthren at Ziost. She is a bookish sort, renown for analyzing deals and having her masters perform the final negotiations. Such a practice is wise, for she is not of the Sith Caste and would dare not assume anything regarding her betters' preferences and resources.


  • Dayana appears human, albeit an odd one with her mask. There is no public confirmation of her species, though certainly rumors.
  • Spent time on Corellia? Dayana has served as an ambassador for the Sith Empire for that world.
  • House Valthren falls under the influence of Darth Vowrawn. If you serve him, or are at least allied to him, then perhaps an arrangement could be made.
  • Any interest in the colonies? House Valthren focuses almost entirely on their domain.
Sith Lord | Miraluka | Colonial Overseer | Scion of House Valthren | Ambassador to Corellia
Ally: Camilla Ultera | Profile

"A people without hope will never thrive. Foster this within them and you will possess worthy followers."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Tyr on Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:06 am

Gender: Male
Height: 2m / 6’ 8”
Build: Strong
Hair: Black
Eyes: Golden
Age: 28

Tyr (pronounced ‘tear’ as in rip, shred, lacerate) has presence in all of the wrong ways. He is the dark, hulking werewolf of primitive cultures’ nightmares, looming over the beds of restless sleepers, eyes blazing and fangs gleaming in the dark.

Tyr is an exceptionally large specimen of shistavanen, with a massive rib cage that gives new definition to term "barrel chested". His golden eyes betray the intelligence endemic to his species, and he moves with a fluidity uncommon to his size. Beneath his armour, there is bulk, but perhaps not to the extent one would expect from his build.

His armour is not so much decorated with ridges and keels, spurs and blunt spines, as it is made from them. The dark, matte plates have been fashioned from insect carapace and show scarring from old battles. The armour makes him look even larger, and his thermal cloak has been custom-cut to allow the spikes on his shoulders and back to poke through.

Do you lift, bro? Tyr is serious about maintaining his physique.
Do you need someone to look menacing? Tyr is good at that and he's not terrible with the lightsaber, either.
Looking into the Eagle? Tyr might be interested.

Now with clickable images!
Last edited by Tyr on Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
Theme | Avatar | Description

My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

Equip: Chitin Armour, Thermal Cloak, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Commlink, Datapad, Stimpacks
Ship: the Midnight Howl
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:08 pm

Name: Lucinia Malveaux
Height: 1.73m
Build: Slender
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Pale Green
Skin: Ivory

As the middle child of the latest generation of one of those Malveauxs, Lucinia was born into privilege and power. Her power only grew as she was discovered to be Force-sensitive, just as with her old brother and younger sister.

In the Sith Academy in Korriban, she performed quite well, with exceptional scholarship making up for slight disinterest in politicking. The scholarship was enough to earn her an apprenticeship with Darth Arya.

Since graduation, Lucinia has distinguished through further scholarship and the occasional archaeological search. Her fervor for finding ancient Sith artifacts and lore seems to have only increased since the Night of Terrors, and she looks for new opportunities for learning even now.


Lucinia is cultured and cool, often to the point of being chill. While she is willing to exchange a few words with just about anyone, she is rather picky with her choice of companions; only those who interest her, or have something to offer, will become long term... well, friends is probably too strong a term. She has a keen intellect and a curious mind. She also isn't above laughing at a good joke, or possibly at the misfortune of others.


Lucinia is slender and pale, each almost to the point of being unnatural. Born with pale skin and blonde hair, both have grown whiter over the years as she channeled Dark Side energies. Likewise, while her figure is fashionably slender, in the wrong (or right) light, it seems to border the unnaturally gaunt.

She tends to wear clothing that is timelessly fashionable, black or blue dresses, both well-fitted and modestly tailored. A touch of skillfully applied make-up almost seems to enhance rather than disguise her pale features, as Lucinia favors blood red lipstick, dark eyeshadow, and a bit of dark in her lashes.


*Lucinia enjoys talking shop. Evil shop. Force shop!
*Fellow Arya apprentices are always welcome for tea. Or wine. Depends on the hour.
*Got books? Or rather, datacubes? Got Sith artifacts? Or interested in either? Talk to Lucinia!
*Interested in an expedition to dark tombs? Want to perform some sort of dark ritual? Lucinia thinks that sounds just divine.
Force Sensitive | Sith | Human | Noble | Arya's Apprentice | One of Those Malveauxs
Oooohohohoho count: 10
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Lucinia Malveaux
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Jan Melmoar on Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:21 am

Name: Jan Melmoar
Background: Very special forces
Height: 1.8m
Build: Lanky, skinny, rings under her eyes.
Hair: Black, shaven on one side.
Eyes: Dark
Skin: Pale

Jan is a friendly person.

Yes, it's true she's killed people, but please, you're a Sith, you've probably killed some too. She spent ten years sprinting, running, walking and crawling across every hellhole in the Empire as part of her enlistment. I mean, how many horrific insectoid things do you have to perforate as part of Special Tactics Group 41 before you get tired of it?

She even made Major, Major Melmoar...but the alliteration didn't quite make up for the growing feeling of unappreciation, so she took an honourable discharge. And then she found Czerka.

You see, Czerka pays well, really well. Earning a year's pay in a month...and then a year's pay in a week sort of puts your life into perspective. A whole decade risking your hide when you could have simply gone private and enjoyed the rightful fruits of your labours, it's quite the discovery to make. Three years after signing her first Czerka contract Jan made Corp Rep to the dark council. Between her old military buddies, some schmoozing and the long and credit heavy hand of Czerka she's built a small influence base for herself. Sure none of the Sith ever seem interested in the latest company flamecaster...but she never had that much time for them anyway.


[IMG Pending]
N'Zzi Korath
Age: 21
Height: 1.44m
Build: Stocky
Hair: Black, usually in a ponytail
Eyes: Bright red

At Czerka you can gain valuable job experience by serving as part of our internship program! The best of the best are selected for our field intern program where they can work on the frontlines of our crusade to support law and order in the galaxy. Sure the pay is in exposure, but it's such wonderful exposure!

N'zzi is an extremely gifted mechanic and computer whizz......which is why she can't understand what Jan wants with her. The Chiss has spent most of her time loitering awkwardly near her boss or fetching her the occasional cup of recaf.

In truth Jan is just trying to socialise the Chiss so she doesn't get decapitated or worse during their time in the Empire. Melmoar isn't particularly fond of a lot of people, but her intern is really, really good at modifying the rep's guns, and that has earned her a softspot.


  • If you're hunting the Eagle, Jan is her it just sounds like fun. And maybe it's not such a bad way to gain some more influence with those who accuse her of selling out.
  • Need guns? Armour? Highly illegal weapons purely for self-defence in your own home? Jan can be your woman.
  • Would you like Czerka's support to win a Dark Council seat? That's what Jan is hear for...just....sign on the dotted line.
  • If you're ex or current military she probably has a soft spot for you.
  • If you're a Sith she's probably watched someone like you kill a commanding officer or two of hers.
  • Enjoy hedonism and the good life? That's her bag, Jan is always down to party.
The Czerka Corp Rep | Human | Strictly Neutral | Decorated Veteran
| Always looking for a sale | Sharpshooter | Has an intern!|
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Jan Melmoar
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Kristal Serasai on Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:01 am

Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Imperial Noble
Marital status: Engaged
Age: 22
Height: 5'3" / 162cm
Build: Athletic
Hair: Blonde, Cut Short
Eye Color: Brown

The subject is a woman of about average height but exemplary resilience. Born to an Imperial Family she holds the markers of nobility within her physical appearance. Something marred, slightly, by the injuries she has sustained over the course of her service to the Empire as a Lord of the Sith. During her training at the Academy she lost an arm to a Jedi infiltrator that was killed for their transgression. This arm was replaced with sophisticated cybernetics that have improved the woman's ability in combat.

In service to Darth Mar, the Steel Valkyrie as she came to be known, served as a Champion of Marr with distinction. Felling enemies to the Empire wherever she was sent under the guidance of her master. During further skirmishes with the Jedi Serasai suffered another loss of limb, her leg, which was replaced with a working replacement from her own assets.

Kristal Serasai, otherwise known as the Steel Valkyrie, has become an impressive asset to the Empire. Boasting skills with the lightsaber, and experience contesting with the Jedi, that will surely be of further service to us in the future.

Addendum: Though her father was once branded a traitor, and executed for this by the Emperor's Wrath, he has been exonerated of this crime and cleansed the Serasai name.

Kristal Serasai is a supporter of the ideal of the Empire, order for the galaxy. To this effort Kristal is a fast ally to any whose efforts may benefit the stability of the Empire.
Serasai, a family without force in their blood until Kristal, held martial traditions with ancient blades that shaped Kristal's upbringing. Instilling a warriors sense of honor.
Masterful with a blade, Kristal is a force to be reckoned with.
There have been several attempts on her life, she has survived every one.

For those that graduated from their experiences at Korriban academy alongside Kristal Captain Harad, the head of security at the academy during their stay, has signed on with Kristal and acts under her leadership.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber
Accompanied By: Weaver

"Cowardice is beneath me."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Rax Nam on Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:28 am

Name: Rax Nam
Species: Cathar
Age - 30
Height – 6'2"
Weight – 105 kG
Build - Athletic
Hair - Brown
Eyes - Ice Blue

Rax has long been a bit of a different Cathar, at least compared to the "traditionalist" beginnings back the the homeworld. His family was one of the few that managed to survive on Ord Mantell, and while many clans and families did their best to recreate the traditions including adapting city trees, over time the Nam clan adapted better to the cities of their new planet, mingling with the mix of species rather than Cathar alone. While they continued to pay service to the old ways and were still as loyal to one another as possible, losing a little bit of their wild temper as well as finding ways to compromise their high morals. Thus the Nam clan were often looked down by their wild ancestors, but they became quite useful and valuable to working within the planetary society.

This went on for several hundred years continuing with Rax, who found that his passion was put better to finding ways to make his life easier, not worrying too much about antiquated notions of honor and more what he could do to make himself advance and survive in the rough and tumble atmosphere of Mantrell. This included joining the Republic Army just as the Great War was hammering against the Republic economy, really one of the only jobs that could provide at least a few credits without signing oneself over completely to the crime syndicates.

This came crashing down both with the disastrous end of the Great War that left the Republic at a disadvantage as well as the scandal of corruption that left the Repubic without a fleet to protect Mantrell and the planet thrown to its own devices. This made Rax furious, and felt that the Republic itself broke their duties to its citizens, especially as the chaos that ensued left many settlements devastated due to mercenary and criminal attacks. This destroyed almost the entire Nam clan of which Rax and a few others scattered. Using his meager savings, Rax was able to buy a dilapidated YT-1000 and left for the stars, with only the remnants of hi Republic armory, a few tools, and wiles and wits to guide him.

From there he has flitted from sector to sector, making some money to keep the ship flying, keep trying to go for that easy life, and just stay the hell out of most politics. Ultimately he hopes to get enough credits to get back home and provide a stable home for the rest of his extant clan.

Rax is a rogue at heart, having learned that sometimes deception and a lucky streak were more valuable than honor and immovable morals. He is flexible morally, though he still has a few lines he won't cross such as murder or slavery. Though his clan's temper has cooled, he still has a Cathar's passion and will not hesitate to brawl if someone calls him out. Otherwise he is personable and gregarious, though with that shifty eye that always looks for the next opportunity. One of his biggest triggers however is either the Empire or Republic, chafing at the Empire's history of condoning his people's original slaughter and exodus and the Republic for allowing the corruption to put his personal homeworld in chaos. If pressed, he would still favor the Republic, but for now he feels that staying as neutral as possible is just fine with him.

Description: Rax is wiry for a male Cathar, which still puts him on the toned/athletic side of body structure. He has yellow-brown fur over most of his body with a brown shoulder-length mane and piercing ice blue eyes. He is often seen in a little lower-class but still well-fitting clothes, and often seen wearing a nicely-cut armor jacket that is absent of all insignia.


Rax usually flies in a rattle-trap YT-1000 named The Vast Veldt, maintaining and piloting himself. The name was especially to rub it into Mandalorians to remind them of their devastation of his people. It has gotten him more than a few extra carbon scars along the ship's hull but he finds the name comforting.

Looking for a lift somewhere? If the credits are good, he's your Cathar.
He's often found gambling, maybe you'd care for a game with him?
Want to stick it to both the Sith and Empire? It could be quite fun for him, and can always use other Unaligned buddies...
Do you hate Mandalorians? Oh BOY does Rax hate them!
Cathar | Neutral | Smuggler | Scoundrel | Thrill Seeker

"When your people has been through the ringer like mine has, then you can tell me how to live my life, mm?"

Ship:The Vast Veldt
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Rax Nam
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:39 am


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