Name: Lord Bellious
Aliases: Moyr Ahaya, Sukri Fett, Red Wraith, Other
Gender: Female
Faction: Imperial, Sith
Species: Twi'lek (Lethan)
Background: Criminal (Smuggler)
Marital Status: Single
Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slender, Curvaceous
Complexion: Carmine
Lord Bellious is and isn't a mystery. As the Lord of the Sith she infrequently removes her full beskar'gam-like black-red-gold armour that obscures all her features but a suggestion of feminine shapeliness underneath. She doesn't hide that to the Mandalorians she's known as Sukri Fett, a founding member of the notorious Red Wraiths. Some Korriban graduates could recognise one of their peers in her, Moyr Ahaya, once an audacious and provocative apprentice of the now deceased Lord Yulo. If she has any other identities, they are not widely known... to be hers.
Not being a credit-seeker, whatever she's been doing over the years elapsed since the peace talks on Nar Shaddaa, it hasn't been too publicised, though she's been rumoured to be changing her identities like gloves. Wherever she's been spotted political trouble was about to commence - unrest, strikes, riots, coups, uprisings, even planetary-scale rebellions. Not always successful, but always leaving a chaotic aftermath where old powers have crumbled and new emerge. Chaos on Smuggler's Moon, Bankor and Makeb in recent years can be probably put in her portfolio, followed by a dozen other possibilities.

As far as good looks are concerned, the Lethan, a rare carmine colouration, is a cardiovascular arrest hazard to relevant audiences. If she's taken a measure of, it can be noticed that her lekku are slightly paler than the rest of her complexion, and the colour of her eyes shifted from golden to chromatic bronze, a sign of immersion in the Dark Side. For social calls, she chooses elegant if skimpy black tape-dresses and henna tattoos.
She used to exude a seductive demeanour even though the ostensibly mellow timbre of a chanteuse and sensual body language often belied and confused her truer image. A proclivity to flirt and tease is still a part of her, but it doesn't come up as often unless her mental glove allows her to channel it back. As a Sith, she's more businesslike, violent, vicious and ruthless, and does not suffer fools gladly.
Character-wise, early into her life as a Sith she was openly manifesting an anarchistic, radical spirit, subversive and seditious, disrespectful of laws and regulations, spurning restrictions and bans, unrepentant in pursuing her ambitions and passions. She had little tolerance for racial chauvinism or xenophobia, and abhorred slavery. Her mindset was the direct opposite of a demure, pliant Twi'lek 'entertainer' even if the realisation of it may only come in painful hindsight for those who initially assume too much.
As a Sith Lord, she has built on her mental proclivities and has embraced the letter of the Sith Code wholeheartedly, finding the radical freedom it promises to be worth striving for. But her views on manumission and emancipation have... nuanced. Only those who have the brains and the guts to fight for their freedom are worthy of gaining it. The rest is livestock. With her dedication to the Code, it is non-coincidental that her lightsabre bears the name Passion. And just like her twin-blade, her passions are concealed from most eyes and it's hard to see them coming. And yet, she's not known for a vivid romantic life, having no known partners, even intermittently.

Her other notable possessions include Virginia, a lethal if somewhat old-fashioned battle droid, and a light freighter called the Bitch. Bellious does not advertise that the Bitch is hers so making the connection requires some effort. The vessel in itself looks odd, like it could have originally been a CEC product but got hybridised in the course of an intensive Mandalorian makeover that included avionics, outer defences, floorplan, guns, etc. And there is a Mandalorian co-pilot on board to rein it all in whenever Moyr is busy. Her name is Genevieve 'Gunnie' Wren and she is an offspring of a small family within Clan Vizsla. She is as gun-happy as her moniker seems to indicate. There is also a small T3-X3 maintenance droid to take care of menial tasks on the vessel.


Lord Bellious is sometimes accompanied by a withdrawn young bluish woman who apparently acts as her personal secretary or assistant. The communicate in quite whispers. Those who are insiders of the Imperial Intelligence might now more. She uses the name Razzya.
Hooks (PM if anything catches your eye):
- If you serve Darth Zash, we are probably enemies. If you oppose her, we may be allies.
- Do you abhor stagnation, like to see the old world burn and descend into chaos, enjoy democratising fear, or it just fits your line of business, private or corporate? We may have things in common and may have worked before.
- Do you have something to do with Queen of the Massassi or Aristocrae of the Chiss Ascendancy? We may have common allies.
- If you work with or for Imperial Intelligence or have any ties to Darth Jadus, we may have things in common.
- If you have ties to the Mandalorians, especially Vizslas, or Fetts, or the notorious Red Wraiths commando, we may be burc'yase.
- If you are involved in discovering truth about the Emperor, we may be on similar track.
- If you think Sith ethos needs to return to its spiritual roots, are inspired by great transformative ambitions of Naga Sadow or Exar Kun, and are generally fed up with the over-institutionalised quagmire the Sith currently inhabit because you think it's the Empire that serves the Sith not the other way around, we may find each other looking eye to eye.
- If you have sufficiently long record in arms smuggling reaching back 5-10 years, we may have known each other in another life.
- If you think the peace accords have been a gross mistake and the Sith should do better in precipitating the fall of the Republic into dramatic chaos, or would like to see it in Hutt Space, we may have something in common.