[Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

The official chambers of Court

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:31 pm

The chaos was mounting as those few who resisted the Emperor tried to find shelter, there were duels on the Dark Council platform… those that had succumbed to the Emperor’s will were attacking anyone that the Emperor deemed a threat!

The People’s Tower shook again from another blast, but the shields were holding. The upper layers collapsed downward from the force of the orbital bombardment as dust and rubble spilled onto the main court floor!

Just as the rubble hits the ground Jo’ren notices that Lord Tenebrous is about to strike at Jun-Tsu and intervenes earning him a powerful blast of lightning that knocks him aside but buys the woman and her child precious time as the rubble lands around them burying Shaisha.

In the chaos the Emperor and his retinue move swiftly to a hidden exit.

OOC: Resilience or Coordination check at Average or suffer 8 wounds from debris, this can be reduced by soak and those with Reflect can spend the strain to reduce the damage. This can also be negated with a Move check as long as they can generate enough pips to move up to Silhouette 3. You can do Reflect after the Move, Resilience, or Coordination but only chose one.

Jo’ren Triumph used to defend Jun-Tsu.

Those that wish to engage with Hoshi and Hurn are free to do so in this thread, GM flipped a Destiny for the Emperor to make his escape to the next scene. This area is chaotic and most of the people are under the thrall of the Emperor; Drascovina, Lady Torsin, Dark Council besides Vowrawn, are not controlled if there is a question ask.
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Xyll Vanth on Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:38 pm

Xyll swatted a big chunk of rock out of the way, before she went out the same exit the Emperor did. Was she part of his retinue? Who knew.

Move: 3eF 1 Light Side, 2 Dark Side

(1 destiny to flip 1 light, taking 1 strain, 1 conflict. 1 DS to activate power. 2 DS to get up to silhouette 4)

Cool to recover strain: 1eP+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Up to full strain
Last edited by Xyll Vanth on Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:52 pm

Jo'ren picked himself up and barely noticed the debris bouncing off him. Tendrils of smoke curled up from where Shaisha's attack had stuck him. It has been close, another moment and it might have taken out the Farros.

It was chaotic but it seemed that Torsin, Rem, and Lucinia were still themselves at least. "Okay, Emperor went thataway. We can follow or try to head him off." He muttered: "Be back for you later Shai. Stay buried huh?"

Looking around he spotted that Darth Vengean still appeared to have his mind intact and was thankful. He gave his Master a nod and wondered what the old man was planning now everything had gone to hell.

Day 8. EA. Resilience vs puny rubble: 1eP+4eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Rumun Gol on Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:57 pm

Rumun managed to evade the incoming rubble with relative ease, even though agility was not one of his main traits.

The darkside was filling him, and without second thoughts he rushed forward to assist his master against her enemies. He was smirking as he moved.



[D8 - EA] Coordination to evade Rubble; 2eA vs Average: 2eA+2eD 1 success


[D8 - EA] Chaos! Cool Initiative to assist Darth Hoshi against Darth Hurn: 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Rolled Ini just in case
Will Engage in Darth Hoshi vs Darth Hurn, supporting Darth Hoshi of course

  • Melee defense: 2
  • Ranged defense: 2
  • Soak: 3
Last edited by Rumun Gol on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Lord Bellious on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:00 pm

Freeing herself from the Emperor's grasp, even temporarily, gave Moyr a new impetus and drive. She deftly sommersaulted among the falling debris, avoiding even a barest scratch, and pulling Razzya with her far away from the mayhem. There was nothing more for her here now.

Avoiding debris. Coordination. Enhance. Commit to Agility. Ritual.[/url]: 4eA+1eF+2eD 5 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side

[Successes for maximum distance and hopefully exit, Pips to Advantages, 2 advantages to pull Razzya along, 1 to recover Strain, net 3 Strain after committing.]
Sith Lord | Über-Twi'lek | Shadow | Many-faced Lethan | Has Already Won | Aspirant | No Known Master or Apprentice | Captain of the Bitch | Owner of La Belle Époque | Assistant: Razzya

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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:23 pm

The debris fell and Jaheem moved to interpose himself between as much of the falling rubble and Raela as he could. He took a few large pieces for his trouble but hopefully she avoided damage.

He then turned and reached out with his mind not convinced that words would be enough to break the emporer's hold over her he reached out with his mind and tried to help pull her back somehow.

D8 resilience against rubble average: 4eA+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage

Advantage to give Raela boost on the roll. Take 2 wounds.

D8 influence power check to pull Raela out: 2eF 2 Dark Side

Spend dark pips to either pull Raela out from the emporer's control or help her do so/something to that effect?
Sith Lord | Inquisitor | Human | Aspirant | Intimidating | Not without some charm | Fearsome
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:26 pm

Sylvain watched as his sister and Jo'ren went at it briefly he moved towards the duo but the rubble falling down needed his immediate attention. He raised a protective barrier with the force that blocked all but the smallest of rocks and pebbles. His anger seethed through him at the sight of his sister's betrayal and failure... he could not be deterred.

Nasari bulked her way through the debris as well.


D8 Court Protect Check: 3eP+1eA+2eD+4eF 2 successes, 1 Light Side, 4 Dark Side

Destiny to Use Dark pips. 2 for power, 1 for all damage types, 2 for 4 strain recovery from Dantari Crystal. Reduce Damage by 5, soak the rest. Gain 4 Conflict.

Result 0 Damage and still at full Strain.

D8 Court Resilience Check: 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:47 pm

Noise and chaos was everywhere. the ceiling collapsed, shockwaves of force blasted across the court room, and yet, mother and daughter were as placid as ever.Unperturbed by the raging tumult all around them, they trusted in the Dark Side to deliver them to where they needed to go. Large chunks of rubble fell in their wake, or to their side as they made the final steps onto the emperor's sunken dais.

They did not hurry, they did not even seem to take note of the danger that was all around them. But shortly it did not matter as she slipped into the same passage that had carried away their subjugator and his minions.

Coordination (Agility) = 1 success, 1 threat
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:51 pm

Lord Rath shrugged and followed the Farros out of the court chambers. There was a fight that needed finishing.
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
Wears: Armour of the First Wrath. Carries: Two customised lightsabers; utility belt with stuff.
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:14 pm

The impact from the rocks was sudden and startling. But, gritting her teeth, Lucinia drew on her deep, dark reserves. Her eyes flashed black as she hurled falling debris out of the way.

Sighing temporary relief, Lucinia continued to walk. As she went, though, she glanced around, looking for Drascovina. After all, she knew her parents would be upset if Drascovina was hurt or killed.


D8EA, move rocks! Whoops, that's not my FR: 2eF 2 Dark Side

2 wounds to add one dark pip, that's enough!
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:25 pm

Hala sheltered under a hardened pillar and pulled out her commlink, continuing to coordinate with any Intelligence force she could reach to ensure lines of command and control remained open and guiding others into her little sanctuary nearby.

Resiliance vs. Average debris: 3eA+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

+1eB to anyone who needs it.
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Mahr on Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:46 pm

Mahr walks through the falling debris, unhindered despite his best effort.

Resilience against crumbling tower: 1eC+1eD+4eA+2eP 3 successes, 1 threat
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Raela Ausar on Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:12 pm

Ilar'Shala wrote:"I can't help her if she's dead either. Go with the others, prepare for the fallout and let thoughts of revenge spur your heart. Live or die, I stand here with her."

Moving to place his hands on each of her cheeks, Ilar gazed deep into Raela's eyes. "Less than a week ago, I asked you to kill me, and you set me free. Only days ago, the Emperor ORDERED you to kill me, and you refused. If you want to go to him now, then once more your path will be over my corpse. You are stronger than this, you are stronger than him. Together we are stronger than anything this galaxy will throw at us."

Jaheem Abasi wrote:The debris fell and Jaheem moved to interpose himself between as much of the falling rubble and Raela as he could. He took a few large pieces for his trouble but hopefully she avoided damage.

He then turned and reached out with his mind not convinced that words would be enough to break the emporer's hold over her he reached out with his mind and tried to help pull her back somehow.

Raela shook her head and it shook at her own command, to her which. She extinguished her lightsaber that the monster had gotten out and reached out gripping the arm each of the men in front and looking at them appreciatively. She knew their efforts, but now wasn't the time for outpourings of emotion. Instead, she nodded to the exit. "Let's get out of here."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Sith Pureblood | Imperial Noble | Alchemist | Lore-collector | Apprentice of Zash | No Sense of Direction

On Person: Long-range comlink, datapad, lightsaber

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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:18 pm

Raela Ausar wrote:
Raela shook her head and it shook at her own command, to her which. She extinguished her lightsaber that the monster had gotten out and reached out gripping the arm each of the men in front and looking at them appreciatively. She knew their efforts, but now wasn't the time for outpourings of emotion. Instead, she nodded to the exit. "Let's get out of here."

Jaheem grabbed her arm in return and looked at her for a moment his eyes pondering then he closed the distance between them and locked her in an embrace and his lips found hers and they locked in a passionate way. He broke off and his eyes smoldered and burned with dark side energies.

"He has to be stopped Raela. I wont let him get away. Get to safety. I'll find you." Jaheem knew full well this could be the last time he saw her and he wasnt willing to die without her knowing how he felt about her.
Sith Lord | Inquisitor | Human | Aspirant | Intimidating | Not without some charm | Fearsome
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Raela Ausar on Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:36 pm

The kiss took her by surprise, but she nodded, an expression of determination coming to her face. "Destroy that monster." Then she smiled warmly. "I"ll be ready to patch you up when you get back. Go."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Sith Pureblood | Imperial Noble | Alchemist | Lore-collector | Apprentice of Zash | No Sense of Direction

On Person: Long-range comlink, datapad, lightsaber

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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:53 pm

Jaheem stroked her cheek softly for a moment returning the warm smile, one of the few times he had shown true affection. Then it shifted to determination and he nodded. He looked to Ilar for a moment, he knew he didnt have to ask him to protect her, the twilek had proven he was willing to do that.

Jaheem turned and strode toward the passage that the Emporer had fled down.
Sith Lord | Inquisitor | Human | Aspirant | Intimidating | Not without some charm | Fearsome
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Shelzais Sek on Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:00 pm

Alister Dravvad wrote:
Dapper Dog wrote:OOC: With three successes he can shock three people out of control but they will suffer 2 strain.

((Lord Tenebrous, Shelzais, and Raela if possible))

Shezais's orange lightsaber was in her hand, but she seemed to be fighting the Emperor's mind control really hard--or maybe her lightsaber skills were just extremely rusty. Either way, she hadn't managed to land a good hit on anyone yet at the moment Alister's device shocked her back to herself.

"Aahhh...ow!" She gasped and the orange saber fell from her spasming hand, the blade blinking out (2 strain taken). Reflexively, she fumbled around in the debris and picked it up again without igniting it. For all the good it would do her. "What in the stinking tombs of all the dead kings is going on?" The question was addressed to anybody nearby--probably including Alister?--though it seemed to be more rhetorical than not.

Regardless, it didn't look like this was a place she cared to be for much longer. Especially when a chunk of ceiling came down practically on the spot she'd been standing, and she had to ward off the spray of duracrete shards with her arms. Ugh, this robe is ruined, I'm sure.

Somehow, though, she was still unhurt...

D8 EA--Resilience average for the rubble that's probably about to fall on me: 1eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage

Boost Alister's dodge roll with that Advantage if I can?
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Dayana Valthren on Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:05 pm

It happened too quickly for her to intercede. Dayana ignited her saber and slashed at the rocks coming towards her. A small bit of the debris slashed her cheek..

"Shaisha?!" The masked woman hesitated, wondering if searching for her was best. She cared for the woman, yes, but she did just shoot lightning at someone...


D8 EA Resilience: 2eA+2eD 1 failure
Reflect down to 1 Wound after Soak, spending 3 Strain.

Any rolls to make to lift the rubble or cut through it?
Sith Lord | Miraluka | Colonial Overseer | Scion of House Valthren | Ambassador to Corellia
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:16 pm

Lord Tenebrous shattered half the chamber with a blast of dark side telekinetic energy, throwing debris through the thick walls. She dusted off her shoulder. She was unharmed and glowing with the expended dark side energy.

She continued following the others who chased after the Emperor.
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

Postby Raela Ausar on Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:21 pm

The debris battered Raela, unable to move enough of it to keep from getting clocked with a rock. "Ugh... Ilar, we really need to go."

Move vs Debris: 2eF 2 Dark Side

8 wounds
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Sith Pureblood | Imperial Noble | Alchemist | Lore-collector | Apprentice of Zash | No Sense of Direction

On Person: Long-range comlink, datapad, lightsaber

"Wait, hold on... Let me check my map."
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