Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Remnants of the Ancient Dark Jedi settlements on Ziost

Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:19 am

Most everything today and yesterday had been an exercise in frustration. Fools, challengers, and sheer dumb misfortune... everything had seemed to conspire against her. So here she was, challenging fate again. Oh, she was quite prepared for things to go wrong yet again... but time was running out. The future was heading down the tracks straight at her with frightening speed. That meant she needed to take care of things while she could.

Thus she entered old ziost; heading toward the site she had identified days earlier. It should prove interesting at least. Xyll had high hopes that she might find something of personal interest there; and if not something of personal interest... well, undisturbed sites of the past surely held many rewards.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 4:31 pm

OOC: Survival check at Average with a setback due to the slippery conditions.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 4:40 pm

Xyll was not the best survivalist.

survival: 2eA+2eD+1eS 1 failure, 1 threat
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 5:53 pm

The going was treacherous and then she heard stone cracking and then she was falling and then smack hit a dirty, muddy, and snow ridden floor old pottery breaking her fall.

The hole was about 4 meters above her in this musty room, lit only by the hole above.

OOC: Suffer a strain from the fall.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:18 pm

Well, that was unfortunate. She got up and dusted herself off. She looked about into the darkness, and up toward the hole as well. Too high to get back to with a simple jump. She'd have to find a way to get back up there at some point. But first she needed to survey her surroundings.

((just realized i missed some stuff on my equipment purchases... would it make sense to say at some point I got a glowrod (10 credits?))
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:19 pm

OOC: Flip a Destiny sure.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:21 pm

She looked into her pockets and on her belt, checking for a source of light...

((unfortunately I don't have a destiny use left, I think))
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:37 pm

The light from above was at least giving her enough visibility to see that this may have been a kitchen or larder. There was a single exit into another adjacent chamber it looked like another room.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:44 pm

Damnit, did she really not bring a source of light? Or even a rope? Truly, this was beyond foolish. Well, there were *other* ways of making light. She pulled out her lightsaber and flipped it on. Perhaps it would grant her enough light to see more clearly into the darkness. If it did, she would press on.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:58 pm

It was enough to keep her from stumbling in the dark and reveal frescoes or wall art of geometric designs.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:00 pm

She looked more closely at those designs; hoping she might recognize them, or infer any meaning there might be to them.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:02 pm

Familiar, they were often painted on the homes of the more common rabble that lived in the ancient Sith controlled states of yesteryear. This was probably some dwelling from that era.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:09 pm

This was clearly not the site she had researched. It might be closeby, but that fall had obviously taken her somewhere of no great importance. Still, she decided to give the place a good look-over before she'd return to the hole. Even rabble might sometimes be in the possession of things they didn't even know the importance of. Or perhaps there'd be a souvenir, at least.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:27 pm

It was duty in here and vermin skittered away from the light, there were no remnants of living specimens it may have been abandoned. There were ancient rusted pads, possibly datapads it was hard to tell in this state. An old rusted droid in the adjacent room covered in dust and cobwebs.

It was warm in here, compared to the air above and the larger room seemed to be a living space where people slept, ate, and dd their general living. There was a door but it did not budge probably due to something on the other side.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:30 pm

She picked up the datapads. Presumably they could not be turned on anymore, but perhaps the data on them could be recovered at some point. Then the droid got her attention, and she went to inspect it. If it had been in shutdown mode, perhaps it *could* still be reactivated?
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:32 pm

Even with her limited knowledge these were at best paperweights at worst... well just paperweights whatever materials inside could have stored data was long deteriorated. It was difficult to see if it was shutdown or simply out of power, the build was ancient and foreign to modern sensibilities but it seemed to have fared better than the datapads.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:42 pm

On second thought, those datapads were toast, and she dropped them; allowing them to clatter to the ground; while she went to the task of trying to find a way to turn the droid on.

"Let's see what your deal is then," she said to it.

(anything to roll?)
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:59 pm

OOC: Mechanics or Computers at Hard with a setback for the decay and a setback if lacking tools.
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Xyll Vanth on Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:03 am

Xyll lacked proper tools, and the droid had obviously been here a very long time... but she should still manage to... pry open this here... ah, circuitry... yes, cross this over to there... make contact between these two pieces over here... and....

Mechanics: 1eP+2eA+3eD+2eS 1 success, 1 threat
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Re: Why are we always preparing? Just go! [D4, LA]

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:06 am

It jerks to life and turn and beeped and booped at the Sith. It then slowly straightened and went into the next room or tried.
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