Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Jan! I didn't really expect her to be someone Lucinia would hang out with much. Boy was I wrong! Thank you for all the great stuff!
Could you share a bit about how Jan came to be? Inspirations and such for making her?
Did she turn out how you expected? Anything you'd like to have done but didn't get a chance? Oh, apparently Sith stuff. Well, what sort of Sith stuff?
Takes two to tango and likewise, Lucinia was not someone I thought Jan would like (And who she ended up being more than fond of), I think they made a rather excellent duo!
Originally I was thinking of building a PC to compete in the aspirant challenges but since I'm still new to the community and it's been a while since I played Star Wars I decided it would be safer to do something else. So I started brainstorming a side character who could contribute to the campaign but not be the star. At one point I was thinking about being a Hutt ambassador but decided against.
So a businesswoman was the next step and mechanically I like my shootey characters to be talkey, and my talkey chaarcters to be shootey. As such, I decided she would be ex-military and go from there. Mechanically she's a disaster (I mean, sharpshooter/entrepeneur, really?) but money is the greatest super power and the lady could pew and chat with the best of them.
I think she turned out more close to what I expected than most of my characters usually do. In part this was because Jan ended up being really quite evil, but in a pleasant and friendly way. I'm terrible at evil characters, so that was nice. I'd even go so far as to say that what she got up to was considerably more immoral than most sith, but where's the fun if everyone is a massive jerk?
I think if I'd had the chance more sniping would have been fun (although one hitting a dark council member was memorable) and more Sith politics, after all, Jan was there to worm Czerka's slimey friendship tentacles around. That would have been more the sith stuff, trying to earn enough influence to buy people aspirant points...although Jan ended up quite influence poor, c'est la vie!