Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Central arcology structure and capital building in New Adasta

Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:12 am

Hala had handed 'Gil' off to IIS assets so that he could be tended to and his debrief started. After the resolution of the events under the Eclipse, the Colonel thought she would stop by to conduct joint interviews in order to promote 'harmony and cooperation between MI and IIS' like she had been asked.

Identifying herself to the desk officer, she surrendered her pistol like last time and submitted to the cursory screening before she was permitted entry. Once inside, she relaxed her control on The Colonel and took a deep breath before heading to where 'Gil' had been placed.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:22 am

Gil… or Cipher Three as he was now nursed a cup of tea and was waiting in a secure debrief room and said, “Colonel, how fortunate that we crossed paths when we did. The tea is still as good as I remember, my compliments to Fixer Forty-Six.”
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:29 am

"I am glad it is to your liking," she said with a fleeting smile, "I am Watcher Seven. My apologies for the posturing. It seemed the most effective way to try and maintain both covers. Have your wounds been attended to? Is there anything else you require before we begin?"

The Watcher sat down across the table from the Cipher and waited for his reply patiently.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:32 am

"I am ready to begin," he said firmly as he sipped his tea.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:29 am

Watcher Seven produced a data pad and activated its recorder and transcriber.

"Please describe your time as Malam Gil and what you know of the activities of the Eagle," she said and sat back to listen to him talk.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:31 am

Cipher Three began, “The operation began two months ago, nearly to the day, I noticed a rise in incidents in the outer regions starting with a colony on Brogera Kaas. I tracked it down to a cell of operatives and decided to approach them as Malam Gil to get a better assessment of their situation.”

“They were canny at first but in time with some tests of loyalty and supplying them with small arms I was able to gain their trust and learn of their work for this Eagle, once the cell pointed me in the right direction they suffered a severe accident before I left the colony.”
“I followed the trail to Ziost and kept a low profile using the contacts I made from the colony to ingratiate myself with the Eagle’s agents, he always works through intermediaries but in time I was able to convince them I was o their side. I had to expose a few low level operations for the greater good but it worked and I was able to gather intelligence from the inside. My goal was to expose the eagle but he was clever and more importantly was getting help from high up when I saw the intelligence coming across the cell networks.”

He took a sip and said, “This was at the level of at least a Watcher if not higher and then when I saw the lists of military official and their movements I knew we had compromised data streams. Now here is where we get into supposition but the information had to come from somewhere and that somewhere is someone at a level above Keeper. The Dark Council… and my guess is Darth Jadus, if so then we are bloody kriffed.”

“Someone exposed me to the Eagle, it happened soon after you boy Rook threatened me… maybe he is compromised, is there anyone else that knew of Malam Gil besides him?” he finished.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:59 am

"I believe that Military Intelligence is compromised, though I have not located the source of the leak. It is certainly possible, however unlikely, that a Watcher is compromised. I have a harder time believing that the Keeper or Darth Jadus are the source of contagion, if only because yes.... if that is our problem then it is much graver than originally thought.

"The Dark Council...... is a problem. One I do not immediately have a solution to. Darth Malgus is causing too much noise. He has taken such an interest and burned through quite a bit of currency already to buy praise. I do not know whether it is to boost his own prestige, to help Darth Acina, or to make some other move....

"I would retire 'Gil' if you do not need him further. Liquidate and launder his assets, and reconstitute them to another identity. I do not know how many had taken notice of Malam Gil, but I mentioned him to Lord Bellious at minimum."

She glanced across at the level of the tea sitting in his cup.

"What can you report of the intermediaries you worked with? Their identities, protocols, and what help they had requested from you?"
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:36 am

Cipher Three offers the following:

Killer: Twi’lek force user, reengaged probably ex-slave looking to make the world pay for his suffering. Likes to utilize droids and explosives. Torture specialist.

Raptor: Lady Unda Nuwazi, rich family her father is a Moff in service to Darth Malgus, she does not seem terribly loyal, never really dealt with her.

Stalker: Mandalorian named the Wyrm, Bankor veteran, combat specialist and has an axe to grind, will probably be difficult to capture and is deadly.

Predator: Member of Public Security, but nothing else at this time.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:04 am

"We can attempt to deal with Lady Nuwazi and the Wyrm tomorrow. I would appreciate it if you continued to look into the Predator. Standard counter-intelligence tactics: Operational Security, floating trial balloons and we see which the Eagle potentially acts on, signals intelligence, etc. Is there anything you require that I can do for you?" she asked politely after listening to his summary of the Eagle's lieutenants.
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jun 23, 2019 4:33 am

“I am done Watcher seven, this situation says to me that Sith nonsense is in the future and I want no part of it. Taking a Holiday somewhere sunny and nice and let you all do the heavy lifting,” he replied.

“Give me a call if you all survive this nonsense.”
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Re: Curiouser and curiouser (EA5, Imperial Intelligence)

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:02 pm

"I will," she nodded, "Enjoy your leave."
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