Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Premier casino resort overlooking the waterfront

Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:58 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:The Sith raised an eyebrow, but the intense eyes seemed to be scrutinizing Jan carefully.

"You think I am susceptible to bribery of credits, miss Melmoar?"

"You personally? Of course not M'am, what Sith cares for petty money when their is the pursuit of power, influence and the dark side."

As though the thought only just occured to her
"Although all those are much easier to acquire when one has credits. Credits buy ancient artefacts and palaces, they buy political campaigns and friends, they really can buy quite a lot....I enjoy them."
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:21 am

She relaxed back in her chair. "Most people do."

"Political support, and what sort of weaponry is on the table is of interest to me."
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:24 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:She relaxed back in her chair. "Most people do."

"Political support, and what sort of weaponry is on the table is of interest to me."

“Well that sounds excellent, like we can really do business together. Czerka definitely doesn’t involve itself in politics and in return some... appropriate corporate returns”
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Jan Melmoar
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:13 pm

"You sure are very involved for someone supposedly not involved in politics," Shaisha remarked with a smirk. "Is this your first time on Ziost, or is this... back to old hunting grounds, so to speak?"
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

Gear: Chwûq, Siqsa, armor, cloak, mask, commlink, datapad, utility belt, gloves, jewelry.
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:22 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:"You sure are very involved for someone supposedly not involved in politics," Shaisha remarked with a smirk. "Is this your first time on Ziost, or is this... back to old hunting grounds, so to speak?"

"I served some time here M'am, but when I was in the service."
Jan mimes a salute

"I always remember marching past the beach at Varas Point but never being allowed in."
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:46 am

"Is that so?" the revelation gave her pause, halting the cup of kaff midway. "How did you end up with Czerka then, if I may ask?"
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

Gear: Chwûq, Siqsa, armor, cloak, mask, commlink, datapad, utility belt, gloves, jewelry.
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:54 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:"Is that so?" the revelation gave her pause, halting the cup of kaff midway. "How did you end up with Czerka then, if I may ask?"

"Oh-" She waves a hand airily "I mustered out after I did my ten, Czerka was looking for humans with a knowledge of the Empire and some prior training so we....found eachother."

Her dress starts playing a silent movie of an animate Jan joining Czerka and going on whacky but good natured adevntures as the heroic company does business across the galaxy.
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:13 am

At least it got a good chuckle out of the Sith.

"Hm." She managed to take a sip of kaff before continuing. "So... if I were to arrange a meeting for you with someone who has a great interest in whatever weapons Czerka might be offering, would you be able to handle meeting with such an illustrious person?"
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

Gear: Chwûq, Siqsa, armor, cloak, mask, commlink, datapad, utility belt, gloves, jewelry.
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:18 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:At least it got a good chuckle out of the Sith.

"Hm." She managed to take a sip of kaff before continuing. "So... if I were to arrange a meeting for you with someone who has a great interest in whatever weapons Czerka might be offering, would you be able to handle meeting with such an illustrious person?"

"Quite literally my job description, Lord Tenebrous"
She smiles widely

"....Unless they're one of those Sith whose very presence sucks the life from those not strong in the dark side, I usually speak with them via droid."
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:07 pm

"Oh, as far as I know, that isn't the case," she laughed warmly, "but the one I have in mind... well, you better not waste his time with a bad sales-pitch."

"So let me know if you want a meeting with Darth Vengean of the Dark Council. He is sure to be among those most interested in more weapons."
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

Gear: Chwûq, Siqsa, armor, cloak, mask, commlink, datapad, utility belt, gloves, jewelry.
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Re: Day 5 - Early Morning - Leaving it to Chance (Expecting)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:13 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:"Oh, as far as I know, that isn't the case," she laughed warmly, "but the one I have in mind... well, you better not waste his time with a bad sales-pitch."

"So let me know if you want a meeting with Darth Vengean of the Dark Council. He is sure to be among those most interested in more weapons."

"Oh I would....very much, one meeting with Darth Vengean please, if it's not too much bother. I promise, I am highly motivated to only provide good sales-pitches in such a...competitive environment."
She gives Lord Tenebrous the 'otherwise I get force choked a lot' look.
The Czerka Corp Rep | Human | Strictly Neutral | Decorated Veteran
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