The Malveaux family is both powerful and wealthy. While their palacial primary estate is on Dromund Kaas, they also own smaller estates on many of the major worlds in the Empire. That way, whenever a Malveaux scion travels, they can always stay in a place just like home.
Unfortunately, home is terrible. The main Malveaux estate is designed in a very old, dark, and nearly dreary style, and the satellite estates are similarly designed. The property on Ziost is no different.
Lucinia has at least done a little to make it her own. Mostly, this has meant adding her favorite datacubes to the library, and putting some of her preferred wines in the credenza. The rest of it at least helps to focus one's darker thoughts when meditating.
There's nothing to be done about the hallway lined with portraits of long-dead Malveauxs, though, nor the way their eyes seem to follow you as you walk down it. Lucinia merely suggests that visitors use the second guest bathroom instead.
D8: During the chaos of the battle, a very large rock crashed in through one of the upstairs windows. It then, to all appearances, bounced around, smashing all of the portraits.
Quick repairs sealed the hole and cleared away the debris, but the portraits could not be recovered.