[Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

The official chambers of Court

Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:32 am

Jaheem scoffed in his seat "This type of thinking presented by Lord Bellious is ludacris and short sighted. The code is fine for the workings of individual Sith but it is not a governmental code, it is not designed nor able to effectively run a government. I dont think you will find a person here who does not desire to see the Republic burn but this is not the way. We must be secure as an Empire if we wish to topple the Republic. They are a worthy foe and a true test of our strength, we must be at our best if we with to defeat them."
Last edited by Jaheem Abasi on Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Rumun Gol on Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:44 am

Rumun once again felt compelled to be involved in the conversation. '' My Empress and Empress-regent, i stand on my previous words that in support of what Lord Tenebrous and Lord Abasi said before.'' He began.

'' But i must also say that what my Lord Bellious is saying here, it is worthy to be heard and analized. Fear is a powerful weapon and during the previous days of court, the Dark Council and the Emperor came to an agreement that Fear and Dread should be embraced once again.'' He said.

'' There was even a place added in the Dark Council for my Lord, Darth Hofu, and the acceptance of the Dread Masters and their Words into Empire.''

'' With the Council been, on time, dissolved and new hierarchies being put in place, i don't know how this should be solved, that i think is a discussion for another day...'' a pause. '' but Fear and Dread, as Lord Bellious here said, should also be taken on account.'' Rumun bows respectfully.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:19 am

The empress dowager shifted her hands to the arms of her throne, her draping sleeves rustling quietly as she did so. "You need not zpeak vor Lord Hofu, ser Gol, he iz able to zpeak vor himzelf."

With a soft, but firm air, she gestured to the Dread Master, "Mein lord, come vorzh. Vhat zay you on behalf of yourzelf, your dizciplez, und zhe vordz of zhoze zpoken? V'one zide zpeakz of introzpection und a vizh to vanqvizh zhe enemiez vizhin, vhile zhe ozher zeekz outvard conqvezt. Vere do zhe Dread Mazterz ztand on zhe izzue?"
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:52 am

Hala stood amidst the court with the other military officials. She had not shared their worry about the fates of their positions under the new schemes, though she did frown slightly at the accusations that the intelligence services had not been playing nicely with one anther.... unless it was she who had been frozen out of course.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:01 am

Sylvain stepped forward quietly alongside the Colonel and quietly folded his arms, "Good work yesterday Colonel... though you may not receive the same accolades that these people contest over today... what you did for the Empire... won't be forgotten."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:51 am

Moraal gave the Sith her customary half-bow.

"My thanks, my Lord. Though I am equally thankful not to be offered the same 'consideration' as some others. There are some loose ends to wrap up if you like? Today does not seem appropriate, but perhaps tomorrow?"
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:56 am

"You are wise to be less than eager to put yourself to the fore. It is a moment of potential folly for many." He mused humorlessly as he watched the back and forth.

"Loose ends? On what account Colonel? If Bellious and Baras are to believed, the Eagle is dead and Malgus' allies are granted amnesty... what more do you seek?"
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:52 pm

Rather than enter the political spotlight Jo'ren walked over to stand with Darth Vengean and Draahg. He wondered how much influence his Master had been able swing in favour of war, or if he had even needed to.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Darth Hofu on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:02 pm

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:The empress dowager shifted her hands to the arms of her throne, her draping sleeves rustling quietly as she did so. "You need not zpeak vor Lord Hofu, ser Gol, he iz able to zpeak vor himzelf."

With a soft, but firm air, she gestured to the Dread Master, "Mein lord, come vorzh. Vhat zay you on behalf of yourzelf, your dizciplez, und zhe vordz of zhoze zpoken? V'one zide zpeakz of introzpection und a vizh to vanqvizh zhe enemiez vizhin, vhile zhe ozher zeekz outvard conqvezt. Vere do zhe Dread Mazterz ztand on zhe izzue?"

“As long as they have a place in this new“As long as they have a place in this new Empire then we can find common ground,” he replied tactfully. Empire then we can find common ground,” he replied tactfully.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Empress-Regent on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:04 pm

Lord Bellious wrote:"Peace is a lie, but security is its another name. When I came into this court a week ago, I asserted that I cannot care for an Empire that is not Sith at its core. I am repeating it today. The Sith don't thrive in security, we don't excel in self-encapsulation or when we try to escape fear by pursuing safety. The opposite is true. It is freedom, not safety, that crowns the Code. It is the very insecurity the Empire has witnessed that has spurred the finest Sith into action and has brought us this rejuvenation, the spectacular destruction of a grave enemy in a grand Sith victory and a new reign in Umbral Dark. How can we now obsess about fighting terrorism at home if it is the Sith who should be the terror incarnate for the galaxy?"

She paused. "The way forward is thus less in institutional reshuffles. The men and women of the Empire are fine in their operational jobs. It is the aggressive doctrine that should grasp their minds and shift their attention to predate on our enemies in ways they expect the least. The Regency's wish to return to the path of war must not be diluted, but fully acted on. At this fulcrum the intelligence assets of the Empire shall not be turned inward, but for a grand covert war against the Republic that shall lay the groundwork for military victories."

The Empress regent considered this argument and then said, “Darth Baras, your thoughts?”
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:08 pm

Darth Baras stepped forward and said, “Insecurity is a boon for us when it exists in the domain of our enemies but not within the bounds of the Empire. I can agree to it having some qualities of promoting strength and conflict but chaos does not aid our cause if we are working to eradicate our enemies.”

“I only see value in the latter part of her argument although that is the course we are already plotting. In your wisdom I would not commit to this line of thinking, but you have greater vision than I, Empress-Regent.”
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Empress-Regent on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:10 pm

“Lord Bellious we have heard your words and do not see merit in them at this time, security must be maintained. We do see value in putting our assets outward, but we should do so after we have better aligned our Intelligence resources,” she said in her raspy tone.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:13 pm

Well, today was the day it seemed that she was agreed with Baras.

The current back and forth had held her attention, and as Darth Baras gave his two credits on the matter, she gave a respectful nod to the man. To Shaisha, it seemed sensibility would win the day in this new order.

"Darth Baras understands the nescessity of order within," she remarked in her soft tone to Dayana, resuming their conversation. "Workers won't run the factories of war if there are terrorist-threats and unrest... for the general populace, they need to be rewarded for their loyalties in the ways they understand; security, safety, stability. The ways of the Sith are not for the common masses."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lord Bellious on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:18 pm

Lord Bellious said nothing and otherwise expressed nothing, simply bowed and stepped back to let others speak.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Xal Kimlya on Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:30 pm

With the floor open, Xal stepped forward.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:56 pm

Xal Kimlya wrote:With the floor open, Xal stepped forward.

The Empress-Regent gestured for him to speak.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Xal Kimlya on Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:10 pm

He took a moment to show all due respect to the Empress and her court.

"Unfortunately, my Lady, Darth Zash, could not be present to witness the evolution of this great Empire. Her research required her presence elsewhere. I, Xal Kimlya, present myself as one of her representatives. We are, of course, ready to serve the Empress in any capacity she wishes."

"I did wish to ask, however, about a project I have been involved with, regarding the massassi."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Empress-Regent on Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:31 am

“We are pleased to have the service of Darth Zash and her apprentices. You have our ear, so speak, Xal Kimlya?” she responded.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Xal Kimlya on Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:50 am

"There has been a project with the massassi to develop enhanced hybrids, with expanded capabilities suitable for greater military service." he explained. "So far, the results have been very promising, producing individuals of significant cognitive abilities. One of the goals of this project was to better integrate the massassi. I was curious as to whether you would recommend any changes to this project."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Empress-Regent on Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:55 am

Xal Kimlya wrote:"There has been a project with the massassi to develop enhanced hybrids, with expanded capabilities suitable for greater military service." he explained. "So far, the results have been very promising, producing individuals of significant cognitive abilities. One of the goals of this project was to better integrate the massassi. I was curious as to whether you would recommend any changes to this project."

“It is not something we are aware of, but if you feel it warrants our direct intervention then we will consider that,” she said gesturing towards Xal.
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