[D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Locations in space beyond the noted planets

[D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:34 am

Ilar was a mix of emotions as he disembarked the shuttle and found himself at Nova Station. The communique from the cathedral that a transport was being sent for him was weird, but the fact it took him to the spaceport and then up to this space station was downright inconceivable.

With not much to do but wait, he bided his time until the shuttle docked and then, he hoped, he would find out what this was all about.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:40 am

Nova Station was a far cry from New Adasta, a melting pot of many species and chaos and disorder. Shanty homes and buildings wedged in where ever they could fit them. Thugs of many species roamed the walk ways above and below and the air was stuffy from the poorly maintained recyclers… but breathable.

He can feel the pull of the Dread Masters coming from a large structure that people seemed to have named the Palace.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:45 am

Holding a sleeve of his robes before his mouth and nose, Ilar strode purposefully towards the Palace. He knew there was a great strength back there, not just in the Force, but in his new path specifically.

It was stronger than the aura he felt around Darth Hofu, so there was really only one logical conclusion. He knew that was where he was going, where he belonged and he walked like a man on a mission toward his destination.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:47 am

[b]OOC:{/b] Perception check at 1 red and 2 purple.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:53 am

Distracted by the slightly higher trouble he had breathing in this atmospheric conditions, Ilar was a little oblivious to his surroundings.

D10 EA Perception: 2eA+1eC+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:54 am

He feels as if he is being watched but can't tell from where.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:06 am

Being watched, and being judged was not an unusual feeling to Ilar which is why he probably took too little notice to pinpoint the secret observer. Frustrated by his failing he let out a small snarl and let the Force flow through him, even going so far as forcing the Light to bend to his will.

D10 EA Dread, cos why not: 3eF 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

((Flipping pips with destiny. 3 strain, 3 conflict. Activate Dread power with Magnitude and range bump - up to 8 random targets at short range))

Hopefully clearing a path through the occupants of the station, he quickens his pace before the spy gets bolder.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:47 am

The sea of people part wracked with fear to reveal a woman by the shape of her frame under a long white cloak with a hood. She looks human and does not seem the least bit moved by the display of Force and Fear, in fact the looks seems the opposite, intrigued but serious.

A focused mind and will of steel.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:10 am

Ilar doesn't divert from his path and stops only when he is aslmost close enough to touch the cloaked figure. She was obviously unafraid, and he hid ceased letting fear rule his life long ago.

"I am Ilar'Sharl, although I get the feeling you already knew that." He introduces himself with a hidden smirk behind his sleeve.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:07 pm

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“I was not aware of your name, but you are a stranger here and you have the touch of someone familiar on you,” she said quietly.

“Someone dear to me has gone missing and I have been searching for them,” the woman said curiously as she pulled back her hood and added, “Senya Tirall, and I can feel his presence, but I am confused why it would be so far from home.”
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:25 pm

"My presence here is as surprising to me as it is to you apparently." Ilar thought out loud, an eyebrow ridge raising slightly.

"I have business here, but if you tell me who you're looking for or who's lingering presence I bear, I will try to help you figure out your difficulties Ms Tirall."
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:40 pm

“My… his name is Valkorian, a powerful man, too powerful to have gone missing,” she responded.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:50 pm

"The name is unfamiliar to me I confess, but there has been a lot of upheaval planetside over the last few days. I can ask around or escort you down to the surface?" Ilar proposed thoughtfully.

"Perhaps a little more proximity will allow you to locate him easier?"
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:08 pm

She looked apprehensive and then said, “I felt his presence strongly yesterday and then nothing. It seems almsot impossible to think he could be gone… I apologize I should not burden you with this. Just, nothing.”

“I didn’t mean to bother, I just felt some of his presence upon you, faintly.”
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:29 pm

"There was...something momentous yesterday." Ilar started to explain, still unsure how he might have achieved any sort of lingering transference with this man, this Valkorian.

"There was a major confrontation between the Emperor and Darht Malgus, and, well...if he was tied up in any of that, there's a good chance that he suffered the same fate as they did."

He reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry."
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:21 pm

She noded listening looking grim and then looked at the offering of comfort and seemed genuinely surprised and said, “Thank you, perhaps I was mistaken.”

She pulled her hood up and offered, “Thank you or your time, Ilar, it has been helpful.”
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:40 pm

"Why so surprised?" He enquired. "I know what it's like to lose one you feel great kinship for. Loss takes many forms and I can empathize, for whomever this man was, he obviously meant a lot to you. If you need to talk, I can make time to listen."

The pain that Ilar felt from the progression of Raela and Jaheem's hasty relationship still rankled at his heart, he couldn't help but feel for this woman who had also felt deep loss.
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:50 pm

That act of empathy gave her pause and she said, “I had not thought to seem so obvious but yeah, if he is gone then I am not sure what I… what needs to be done.”

“I can’t even imagine why his presence would be this far from home.”

She placed her hands on her hips and said, “Are you one of them, the Sith, from the Empire of the Sith?”
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Ilar'Shala on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:56 pm

Ilar gestured to a couple of durasteel storage crates and took a seat on one himself.

"I'm....well...I think so?" He answers cryptically as he scratches at his lekku.

"Not officially, because I haven't been to the academies, but my former Master is sending me there shortly. For those who feel the Force it's either Sith or Jedi isn't it?"
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Re: [D10, EA] - The Final Frontier

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:31 pm

She sat and replied, “I suppose that is true for the general galaxy, one must ascribe to one path or the other though I find it at times difficult to see the differences between the two in theory. In practice I can see a great deal of difference.”

Senya added, “Is your situation the norm for the Sith? I am not familiar with their practices or techniques, or the Jedi for that matter..”
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