[EE9] Raise A Little Hell

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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:43 pm

"Well I think it best to crush this symbol. Especially with a new regime change in place. After I am done here and visit master, I think I am going to thoroughly hunt down any who support Eagle and also destroy all their financial supports too and make examples out of them to deter any more dissenters." Remmington comments.

"What do you think Jun-Tsu?"
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:02 pm

"Zo Fa-Lei haz exprezzed her doubtz about zhe utility of your Houze, I remain ewer your adwocate, und hawe, az zhe new Vitch-Qveen of Houze Farro, designated House Balmung az zenechal to Houze Farro. Az zuch, it iz zhe duty of Houze Balmung to zafeguard und azzizt Houze Farro in itz new dutiez to zhe Emperezz. It vould zeem to me, zhat zuch action on your part vould wery much be a part of zuch a new role."
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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:48 pm

"Fa-Lei said that much? Well I suppose that she has a point. House Balmung is currently very weak at the moment. Though working as a seneschal to House Farro will make it easier to rebuild its strength." Remmington considers this.

"Who will lead House Balmung? I have other distant relatives that may have claim but they pretty much all lack in power or status. Or I wonder if it will be easier just to create my own House at this point." He ponders.
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:58 pm

"Iv zhat iz your vizh, I vill zupport you," she said in a laisse faire demeanor. "You are zhe head of your Houze az zhe appointed heir, but your ambitionz zpeak more truzhfully to your dezirez zhan any attempt on mein part to zate zhem."
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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:17 am

Remmington nods. "Well it is a shame to let a good name go to waste. I will just have to make sure to rebuild the strength of House back up. Hopefully I can get some relatives some favourable marriages that will produce powerful heirs with their lineage."
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:15 pm

"Heirz come in time, und I am zertain many vill vizh to court your perzon to raize zheir own ztar in zhe eyez of mein court. A two-edged zword, but v'one you may turn to your adwantage. Alzo, do not place to vine a point on blood. I underztand zhe dezire to hawe a ztrong family line, but remember zhat zhoze taken into your Houze can be great boonz. Chozen children, az it vere, whom you take under your ving und into your Houze. Zimply to bolzter itz rankz und perhapz ewen itz pover."
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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:41 pm

Remmington nods. "Yeah, I was already thinking that I should invite some talented people who do not belong to any House into mine. It will be a good opportunity for them and my House."
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:59 pm

"Perzonz of qvality vill alvayz enrich a Houze, zo be zure zhey are zhoze vhich vill be loyal to Houze Balmung, Houze Farro, und, mozt importantly, zhe Emprezz. Zeek zhoze who'z loyalty iz vizhout qveztion. You create a legazy zhat muzt be maintained long avter you hawe gone, howewer long zhat might be."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: [EE9] Raise A Little Hell

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:40 pm

Remmington nods. "Yeah, I am already thinking that loyalty will be a key requirement. Without it, there is too much infighting, chaos, and loss of resources that will only weaken us before our inevitable conflict with the Republic.

Not to say that different ideas will be looked down upon. Being surrounded by only sycophants and yes men will only make me blind to things going on."
Sith | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Mechanic | Duelist | Charming | Honourary Fett | Monolith Slayer | Exp 2
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

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