by Jun-Tsu Farro on Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:56 pm
An almost palpable, cold hatred welled up within her as the deathwitch spoke, "Zhe je' corrupt az zhe Emperor. Zuch pover, iv it exizted v'once may exizt again. Zhat zhey, zhe lauded beaconz of zhe Liwing Forze committed zuch blasphemy againzt zhe Forze....," she allowed her arms to unfurl and her sleeves to drape at her sides.
"I now begin to zee zhe izzue. Zhey ztripped zhe wery Forze from her being, drew it out until she vaz a woid vizhin it. Like zhe Emperor. Hiz vaz borrowed pover, conzuming zhe Forze to pover hiz abominable live. Iv I vind zhat he zuffered a zimilar vate to zhiz Exile, I vill perzonlly destroy ewery je'daii temple, und eraze zheir blasphemy vrom zhe face of zhe Uniwerze. All zhe zame, it vaz vrom zhiz desperation on zhe part of zhe Exile vhich taught zhe Emperor zhiz pover."
"I vill zpend mein live undoing zhe damage zhey hawe done to zhe Forze, und zhe Dark Zide, in zhe name of zheir, zo called, peaze."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."