by Kristal Serasai on Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:01 am
"I have no intention of dying, Sylvain," she said, turning them from the corridor into a separate room. Uncertain of the rooms purpose but she cared not, for it was not the point. Without even glancing within she turned to face him as soon as they entered. "I would never make the choice to leave my children. They are mine, no others. I would not leave you, either, in such a way."
"However, I am Serasai. I cannot simply allow myself to shy away from what I know to be right, it would not be teaching our children anything of what it means to be a Serasai. For them they must see who it is we are, the strength of our character, so for them I must do this as much as I do this for myself."
"This is something I must do, but it would be foolish to entertain the idea that it is not without considerable risk. I have no intention of dying; many have tried before and many have failed. I will not allow it to be one of these other claimants for the seat on the council."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber
Accompanied By: Weaver
"Cowardice is beneath me."