[D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Cathedral dedicated to the teachings of the Dread Masters

[D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:05 am

After his discussion with Darth Hofu earlier, Ilar had returned to the Cathedral to listen to the open lessons that the followers held on The Dread Word.

Simply dressed, for the evening's party was still many hours away, he lined up outside with the other gathered individuals and waited to be ushered into the building.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:10 am

The large hall was filled with people, many of them non-humans and all waiting for the sermon to begin.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:21 am

Moving into the room, Ilar tried to navigate a path towards the front, closer to the action as it were to better see what was going on.

He wasn't sure if it was that kind of gathering, but he was also hoping to get to a point where he might be fortunate enough to be selected as a volunteer for any audience participation, to better evaluate the teachings.

Looking around, he was a little surprised at the diversity of species. It seems this is the worship of choice for the downtrodden. Interesting.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:29 am

A hooded woman focused her eyes on him but made no other action as she stood facing the crowd at the base of the dais where the speaker would probably take his place.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:31 am

Emboldened by the variety in the crowd and not feeling out of place, Ilar holds the woman's gaze boldly, trying to present no fear as the assembled masses awaited the arrival of the speaker.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:23 am

Dino was curious after the brief encounter with the Cathedral the other day.

Perhaps I will what it was that drew these crowds.

So far, Dino had been...unimpressed, but this was the "lesson" that the human had spoken of. Dino heads to the front, where there is a hooded human with face tattoos, something that immediately screamed "Sith"
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Darth Hofu on Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:48 pm

Darth Hofu approached the dais through the crowd, shaking hands and greeting the people and then took to the stage. He spoke, “This evening I wish to speak of what many have come to call the Night of Terrors… that moment when the galaxy was gripped in fear.”

“I remember that moment because I did not feel terror or despair but elation, indeed it was a revelation of the eternal truth that most Sith hide from themselves. That Fear is the foundation of all other truths, all other restrictions and freedoms stem from it. This was the first lesson the Emperor extended to his chosen, the Dread Masters… the true heirs of his legacy.”

He continued on for some thirty minutes about the Dread Masters, six in number, powerful Sith Lords who specialized in a form of Battle Meditation or at least it sounded like Battle Meditation that terrified whole fleets into submission… they could instill insidious whispers that could corrupt the mind and break even the hardiest of men.

He speak of their time imprisoned by the Republic after they were betrayed by Sith too weak to challenge them and says that their time is coming and soon the Empire will be reborn in a new age. All the while there is something that gnaws at your psyche… seems to be worming it’s way into your minds…

OOC: Fear check versus Hard, destiny flip for both characters so that is 1 red and two purple, plus a setback for the setting, this is a Discipline or Cool check.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:04 pm

Dino considers himself a pretty cool customer. He's faced down death more times than he can count in his life...a surprisingly long one for a slave. He has heard dire warnings before, but this...this is something different. He feels something different in the words.

Being Scared by Darth Hofu-Cool Check-Hard with Destiny Upgrade & Setback: 1eP+1eA+2eD+1eC+1eS 2 failures, 2 advantage, 1 Despair

Something, really sets Dino off at these words, unleashing a floodgate of suppressed memories, almost unbidden: watching his father die, being taken away, being kept alone, afraid and in pain. All of the walls that he had built for himself suddenly seem to tumble away.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:09 pm

Ilar remembered the Night of Terrors vividly and listened appraisingly to the sermon being delivered, unfortunately in paying deep attention to the speech he may have left his mind a little too receptive to the intended effects.

[D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper - Discipline v Fear: 1eA+3eP+2eD+1eC+1eS 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

((Hoping to use the Triumph to generate some sort of positive reaction from Hofu))
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:44 pm

The words worm their way into their Dino’s mind and he is back being tortured by petty students but they seemed larger now and he was weaker… small… so very small and it seems to last an eternity with no end in sight.

Then he was surrounded by masked students… no not students these were masters with terrifying masks of demons and monsters six in total. They stared at him and he was stripped clean of all pretense all clothing all sensibility.

His claws were bloody with twi’lek blood as he knelt over the cooling corpse of Lord Bellious but his eyes were not his own and there was violence and fire.

Meanwhile Ilar felt the fear ripple through him but he did not falter ad Hofu nodded in appreciation of his handling of the power coursing through him.

Hofu ended his sermon with many of the people in etars and anger, but not towards him but towards their plights and troubles and many were resolved to fight what they believed was owed to them.

The visions ended.

OOC: Dino suffers 3 strain.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:54 pm

His breathing quickened and he felt his heart beating harder and faster than he had felt in a long time. The emotions were rising, rising threatening to overwhelm him....

Then there was an emptiness as it washed away, Ilar was sweating heavily and glad that he had decided not to come in his party clothes as he reached up to wipe the sheen of perspiration off his forehead. Glancing around, he saw that most of the attendees were more affected than he and he felt a small surge of pride swell up as he saw Hofu nod in his direction and returned the gesture.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:05 pm

Dino flares his nostrils. "Neat trick." He mutters to himself, trying to hide how shaken he truly feels. That image, that fantasy...it felt so real.

Dino had no reason to do something like that to Lord Bellious. In point of fact, he highly doubted that he could even do so on his best day: after all, she was supposed to be a graduate of Korriban, a grade of student far higher than the paltry group that The Instructor had gone through. And yet, it had felt so real...

And good. Surprisingly good.

There was something to this. It might have been a giant con, but even if it was, there was power in it. And the six...he had felt them.

He had to know more.

Without understanding why, Dino takes shaky steps forward.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Darth Hofu on Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:56 pm

The crowd dispersing Darth Hofu gestured for them to follow, a few of the most affected follow him as he takes a seat on a large circular sofa, forming an internal ring for all to sit and look at each other. He said calmly, “Each of you felt the power of the Dread Six, how did it feel?”
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:03 pm

Dino follows the group forward, and can see the Twi'lek from the other day along with them.

Dino sees no reason as to why he should lie at this moment.

"Terrifying...and vivid. I could see six figures...could smell the blood as clearly as I see and hear you now."
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:11 pm

Ilar had followed the small crowd into the semi private assembly with Darth Hofu and took a seat with the rest. He pondered the proposed question for a moment before providing an answer.

"I felt the power of your words, the emotion they evoked. It was...compelling."
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Darth Hofu on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:18 pm

Hofu replied, “The Dread Masters are Sth and more than Sith they have realized the dark path the Emperor set before them and have become agents of Terror itself. They are the realization of the Dark Side.”

“What you felt was a fraction of their gift, not all of you will be capable of exuding such terror, but in time you may learn such gifts and realize their truths. It is not an easy path, not all are worthy of becoming Disciples of Terror, but you have all shown the possibility if you only have the strength to clasp it.”
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:25 pm

Dino is...a little unsure if he's buying the whole story. But the idea of being able to express that...power, that fear onto others is an enticing thought. And, if he wanted to lead those Trandoshans in the area, he would have to play along, at least a little.

Dino offers a nod at the man's words.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Ilar'Shala on Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:31 pm

Disciples of Terror, Ilar mused in his mind, a catchy moniker to be sure.

"Just experiencing such power is enlightening, Darth Hofu. I thank you for the opportunity and look forward to walking further down this path, as much as my potential permits."
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:24 pm

“Your potential is limitless, you both can feel the dark side in ways most potentials cannot. The pathways of terror are fraught and dangerous but the reward of mastering your Fear and turning it into the most potent of tools is gratifying,” he responded.

“I do nothing by half, I would expect you to commit to this endeavor not to me… not to the Six but to the path of Dread, think it over. I am sure it may seem daunting.”

OOC: This would give access to a new custom Force power, Dread.
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Re: [D1 - EE] Don't Fear the Reaper

Postby Dino Brado on Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:54 pm

"And...just what does committing to the Path of Dread entail?" There's something off about this to the Trandoshan, but once again his confidence is too much to simply walk away.
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