
The Capital city of New Adasta on Ziost


Postby Dapper Dog on Thu May 30, 2019 4:07 am

Players/NPCs can post their residence if they have an apartment or hotel room or even a massive estate.
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Re: Residences

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Thu May 30, 2019 7:09 am

Rath Tower

The Rath bloodline is an ancient one that can be traced back to the time of the Infinite Empire. Adventure and wanderlust run in their veins and most of their holdings are off-world. Still there are games that must be played and for that reason they maintain a facility in New Adasta, for convenience if little else.

A solidly built tower nestled within the city proper, the Rath "estate" is topped by landing pads for a fleet of speeders and a communications array. There is hanger space in the upper levels for light freighters and patrol craft, and a variety of weaponry suited to patriotic planetary defence.

Inside the tower one can find a wide variety of facilities, including a fully equipped combat gym, board rooms, and command centre, with rooms of varying spaciousness decorated in a minimalist style. The most notable recent addition is the Massassi guards who are loyal to the newest Lord Rath.

Rath Tower
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Re: Residences

Postby Alister Dravvad on Fri May 31, 2019 11:17 am

Doctor Alister's Lab

While House Dravvad maintains a rather sprawling estate among the Noble Estates of New Adasta, that is not where one would look to find Alister. The young man's labs also serves as his home and can be found on subbasement seven and eight of the Takanomi Plaza building on the outskirts of New Adasta.

The scant room that Alister set aside for his quarters, contains a bedroom, kitchen and refresher. As well as a small living area for the entertaining of his few guests. Though the entire area is sumptuously appointed guests do have to be somewhat cautious. His glassware is often as not broken or dirty, EG-04R being a substandard maid, and often enough they are replaced with some sort of laboratory glassware.

The lab itself is what takes up the majority of the two floors and it is seldom that guests are invited inside. IT contains banks of computers, a hazmat room, workbench, and various other equipment to make the inventors life easier, and is well maintained and cared for.
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Re: Residences

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:47 pm

Sinea Okatesh's Apartment

The seat of House Okatesh is located on Dromund Kaas, and up until now, the House had minimal presence on Ziost, focusing instead of Kaas city and the future that their sight shows. With Sinea moving her base of operations first to korriban, where she enjoyed the hospitality of the Academy, and now to Ziost, the family decided to invest in some permanent physical presence on the cold planet. Instead of an ancient estate with a history spanning centuries, Sinea and her House opted for a luxurious penthouse with a view of the Peple's Tower in New Adasta. The view is breathtaking (and so is the cold), the suite has all the amenities of a high end bunker built atop a high rise, and Sinea has started to personalize the apartment, setting up one of the rooms as a study and laboratory for some new interests.
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Re: Residences

Postby Char Fin'le on Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:29 am

Char Fin'le's Loft


Built in a converted piece of warehouse around the Eclipse 99 area, Char has set up a semi-permanent shop in a small loft. While it isn't much to look at, the winding areas, and lack of general people living around it makes the abode difficult to find, and with nearby traffic from Eclipse, people who would want to meet him have their intentions masked. Char has been able to set up a Faraday cage, helping him mask his Holonet movements, allowing him to research and slice in relative security.
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