Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Commercial region of New Adasta of shops, boutiques, and fine dining

Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:13 am

The protesters had been cleared away, in one manner or another. Still the streets were noisy, and while Alister might usually avoid shopping in the Golden Promenade, he certainly had little time for traveling to Ajunta at the moment. After all he was due at a gla later this evening.

With Vair'ea in tow he moved from shop to shop. Mostly looking at things of a more marshal nature, but occasionally looking for things of a more mundane nature. Clothes, shoes, even occasionally peeking at some watches.
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:29 am

Tyr had just finished dealing with the zeltron artist he'd contracted to create an artwork for him. Soon enough, he'd have to head over to the gala and present the work she'd created, but he had some time to kill and an interest in picking up some materials for tinkering with tomorrow.

The streets were crowded, thanks to the recent chaos, and Tyr was bullying his way through the crowds, using his size and fearsome countenance to make his way around. This was how he ended up body-checking Alister, bumping into the man before realising that he wasn't just another of the faceless masses. The shistavanen reached out a large paw to steady Alister if he was in danger of falling, but didn't apologise.
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:01 am

There were few people taller then Alister, and the young scientist took note when once such bumped into him. Glancing at the taller creature he fought off a frown.

"Busy day in the street given all the trouble earlier." He said after a moment. Apparently unconcerned about the lack of apology.
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:00 am

"You'd think they'd have more sense," Tyr grunted in agreement, his voice was raspy and coarse, rumbling from deep in his massive barrel-chest. He peered at the human with glittering golden eyes, "I've seen you around, you one of those politicos supporting the aspirants or something?"
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:25 am

"No, not really." At least not for the moment. "I'm Alister of House Dravvad, and I suppose you could say I'm a scientist." He shook his head. "Of course as a noble that means I am still required to be seen in public. Which is probably why you've seen me around."
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:40 am

"Right, scientist, should have guessed," he indicated to Alister, his general appearance being quite 'sciency'. "What kind of science?" he sounded genuinely interested.
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:20 am

"Chemistry, pshyics, some engineering if you count that. I also dabble in the meical sciences." There were other things as well, but those were his major ares of study. Most others held less interest for him
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:26 am

"Do you know Xal Kimlya? the arkanian?" Tyr asked, "yay tall, goggles?"
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:09 am

"I believe I've heard of him, but we've never met." Alister offered after a thoughtful moment. "But then when not at social gatherings I spend most of my time in the lab." His lips crooked into a half smile. "So, I don't know all that many people."
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:28 am

"You're a lot like him, I think you'd get along. He's arkanian, so his obsession is around making things better, things like me." Alister's smile was disarming, and the shistavanen's ears perked in the man's direction, "perhaps I should introduce you two, if I can extract him from his own lab."
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:47 am

"Cybernetics then?" It was a possibility at the very least, unless he was referring to some sort of gene therapy. That might explain the shistavanen's aggressive nature.

"If you'd like I'd be amenable to that." There was no reason to refuse and risk angering the wolfman after all.
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:45 am

Tyr shook his head, making his fur ripple, "this is all original parts," it was clearly a point of pride for the shistavanen. "When we first met, he was doing chemical enhancements, but he's branched out since then. Is that your thing? replacement parts?"
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:11 am

"Somewhat, I'm not a expert in the field of medicine." Nor chemical enhancement, it had always seemed a bit dangerous to him. Such things could be unpredictable, there were small differences in almost every biological life form after all.

"I'm more a maker of things, then a improved of people. Though I do hold some interest in that. It's as you said more in the range of cybernetics."
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:37 pm

"Shame," Tyr grunted, "I may not have any cybernetics yet, but never say never, right?" After a moment of thought, "I was looking for some bits of pieces, I was thinking of doing some tinkering, maybe you can point me right." It wasn't a direct request for help, maybe a few degrees starboard of one, but the shistavanen seemed friendly enough, for now.
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:48 pm

"I could do that." Alister replied with a small nod. "Though I'll be honest I get most of my supplies from Ajunta. Closer to the source if that makes any sense."

There were more manufacturers there too, and often enough that led to better prices.
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:36 pm

“Ah,” Tyr shrugged in a careless manner, “I haven’t been on Ziost long, I don’t know all the tricks yet.”
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:12 am

"I'm sure you'll learn them quick enough." The shistavanen seemed mildly intelligent after all. "Was there anything in particular you were looking for?"
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:28 am

Shistavanen were an intelligent species, smarter than made sense to have in slaves, “I’m broke, but I think I can spend a little on customising my tool kit. I don’t get a lot of use out of it, don’t usually have the patience to work on anything for very long.”
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Thu Jun 20, 2019 4:16 am

"Mmm..." Alister nodded and beckoned the wolfman to follow him. "Well, I can show you where I go when shopping in New Adasta. After that, well I imagine you know what you have in mind."
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Re: Crowded Streets (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Postby Tyr on Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:52 am

“Much obliged,” Tyr answered, following. “Engineering, is that what you do for a job, or does being a noble pay well enough on its own?” There was a hint of bitterness in his voice. The Force May suffuse all things, but it was credits that keep the galaxy spinning.
Sith Apprentice | Shistavanen | Batman Voice | Fearsome to Behold | Microchipped | DECEASED D9
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My mind was lost in translation, and my heart has become a cold and impassive machine.

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