by Jun-Tsu Farro on Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:12 pm
"Zo," she said in a resigned tone, "You hawe vallen to zhe Jal-Shey philosophy, zhe middle pazh. I do not deny zhere iz much lore on zhe pover, inzight, und enlightenment v'one can gain zhrough zhe middle vay. I cannot dizuade you vrom your pazh, but I cannot condone it. Ve ewer zhall be vriendz, but you may newer zet voot upon Korriz. Ve cannot let v'one of zhe light, who haz allowed it to become a part of zhem in whole or in part, amidst our purity. Our pover, haz ewer come vrom our abzolute dewotion to zhe Dark Zide."
"But I underztand your vordz. I zpoke not long ago, zhe Umbră-Ușoară iz zhat vhizh deztroyz und decayz to allow vor new live upon vhich to veed. It tviztz und zhiftz zhe Liwing Vorce to our vill. But ve are in oppozition. Ve need zhe light az zhey need zhe dark. But ve are old, und adhere to zhe oldezt var, of zhe Dark verzuz zhe Light. I vizh you luck on your pazh, handle two zerpentz, v'one in each hand. To look avay vrom v'one iz to be ztruck by zhe ozher."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."