by Jun-Tsu Farro on Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:35 pm
The inky streaks stained her cheeks and dropped onto her black robes. She felt numb suddenly in a wave of intoxication. Her face changed to reflect her shift, holding a neutral dull expression. "I...hawe juzt little time. Und mein vate iz var vorze zhan I had imagined."
"I had a wizion, maybe a dream," she relfected upon the memory. "I zaw mein dahrling grown. Poverful, ztrong, a new Emprezz for a dark empire vorthy of her. Ve zpoke of her glory, und mein vailingz. How I tried to be tender, yet ztrict. She complimented me az vize und cruel. I appreciated it greatly."
"To zee zhe vuture iz to valk a zhouzand pathz at v'once. Und to valk it v'one muzt not necezzarily know vhere v'one iz going. I azked her only v'one zhing. Iv zhe vaz vith me in zhe end. She said....zhe end vaz not peazeful, vrail in body az I vaz avter zenturiez, but povervul und knowledgeable in zhe Force. She vaz vith me, vith mein zizterz, und she intered me in zhe ancient mozoleum of the eaztern palaze."
New streaks came down her cheeks. "I azked only about mein deazh, not about mein life. But...I vear now mein wizion could ztill come to pass. As joyouz az it vould be. Mein dahrling newer zaid, und I newer azked, but...zhe Emperor iz povervul, und old, und vith knowledge beyond knowledge. I vear....I vill liwe, I vill outliwe zhe Emperor, mein daughter zpoke only zhe truzh. But zhat in zhiz trial to become hiz Woice, I vill become zhe Abyzz. I may inherit hiz burden, und muzt cage it avay. To be a prizon vor itz herezy. Und in zhe end....I vill not vind releaze into zhe Umbră-Ușoară."
She looked down at her lap and the half filled cup, "Perhapz I vill, vith zhe whole of mein live, be zhe vill of zhe Dark Zide...und be vorewer punizhed becauze of it."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."