The Farro witch approached with a sense of mild reverence. "Ser vell you know me, ewen avter all zhese yearz."
She gazed over the broken urns, antique tools, and votive statues, with scrutiny. A hand would raise, with fingers dancing, as though tracing the patterning on the objects.
"An object doez not hawe to hold pover itzelf to be poverful. Zometimez, ewen vhen a zimple ztatue, it can teach many lezzonz of agez pazt. Like tomes und drawingz, zheze hold great knowledge of pover, but do not pozzezz pover zhemzhelwes."
She stepped towards a small, ornately carved stone orb. "Zhiz.....for example. Vhen zhe jen'jedai left behind zhe teachingz of zheir old order, zhe came to zhe frontier to zeek pover. Zheir trek vas not vithout zacrifice zhough, und zhey had to make do vith....zimpler, perhapz v'one might zay, purer, methodz of training."
"Zhe orb iz hollow, und vould be uzed for training in zhe Force. Zhe patternz can be made to align und open like a puzzle, but zhe zidez can only be moved by zhe force, for zhe zimple mechanizmz lay inzide. Zmall objectz vere placed vithin for training in zight beyond zight. Zhiz," she gestured to the orb, "iz not unlike zhose objectz I uzed to train az a toddler."