Jaheem Abasi wrote:Raela Ausar wrote:Raela noted the hostess was very occupied, so instead, she picked up something in passing from the drinks Droid and found some place comfortable to sit, leaning back with a sigh of relief tension.
Jaheem grabbed something light and joined her "Not one for these types of engagements I take?" He asked with a small smile as he sipped from his own drink. He seemed slightly on edge himself.
“O-M-G… it is totally Lord Abasi… can I call you Daddy Abasi,” a young woman said as she tipped back a drink.
“You are totally my favorite.”
Drasocvina rolled her eyes and said, “Lord Abasi it is a pleasure.”
Tiss just smiled and asked, “So who would win a fight Lord Abasi, you or Lord Bellious? I feel like Lord Bellious would win.”
“An alien Sith is always inferior, everyone knows that,” Drascovina admonished.
“You look nice, Lord Abasi,” Seranya offered.