Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:05 pm

"My thoughts have ever been turned to us not needing to ever do battle in the first place," she admitted, pulling her right hand in closer to herself. "It would be something unseen before, I believe, two members of the council with such a relationship. By it's very nature things on the council would change, many would be threatened, but we would be more powerful for it in turn."
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:24 pm

"Indeed," she agreed with a confident smile. They had always talked about the three of them governing and working for the Empire, though it seeemd it would be in a different way than they had thought back then.

"Together, we can achieve more than most of the other aspirants. If I may ask, what's your impression of the others?"
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:15 am

"There were a few that seemed all the better if they were let loose upon the Republic, instead of our Empire, given a blade instead of a seat," she replied, holding back the sound of the sigh that felt heavy in her chest.

"Darth Acina, the one who spoke after me, I believe will be deserving of special attention."
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:33 am

She nodded, feeling in agreement of Kristal's assessement, though the note of Acina brought up an eyebrow - along with a curious gaze.

"Acina? How come?"
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:54 am

"The woman, like the others, had a goal in which to direct their victory but unlike the rest she did not begin with fire, no, she is passionate about her goal enough to speak out but she herself did not begin with courage," she replied. Looking to her friend, awaiting an answer in kind.
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:06 am

Shaisha paused, thinking back to the pledges of the aspirants... and Acina's. It hadn't stood out at first to her, but now that she was taking the time to reflect, it seemed...

"She seemed to be one with the most concrete ideas of what she wanted to do with her place on the council," Shaisha thought out loud as she analyzed her memory of the event. "But you think she is lacking in courage?"
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:45 am

"That, or she does not wish to draw attention and boast as the other contestants have," she said, pausing momentarily to compose the gravity of her thoughts.

"Regardless, I believe she is one to watch closely, to be certain. Beyond her, what of you, what are your thoughts upon the others stepping up to claim a seat on the council?"
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:58 am

"Hmm... it is a good point. A quiet Sith can often be a dangerous one," she agreed while thoughtfully stroking the spur on the right side of her face.

"As for the others, I think Darth Hofu might be one of the dangerous ones. Both in demeanor and power... he doesn't strike me as the type that is willing to cooperate with others, but if he does well in the challenges it will be because of his skill and power." The stroking motion stopped as she considered the others.

"Lord Jaheem Abasi is a man I can respect for his efficiency, but I don't feel threatened by him. Still, I think he's one that is worthy of maintaining good relations with through the coming days, as he believes in the Empire over personal gain. Or well, you know, as much as a Sith can." Shaisha gave a shrug.

"Raela Ausar is an unknown to me - I know she's a pureblood Sith and that she's Zash's apprentice, but I don't have any opinion good or bad about the woman. Her presentation to me was lacklustre, but so was Acina's, and well, you analyzed her better than I did."

"Last one is Moyr - or rather, Lord Bellious as she goes by these days. Why she insists on the charade of hiding that her master is Darth Jadus isn't one I understand, but... eh, it doesn't interest me terribly either. My opinion of her has always been rather low, and I don't think it will change any time soon," another shrug. "It's probably no surprise that I consider her least worthy of the Council seat, but the challenges don't care much for what I believe."
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Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:50 am

"Lord Bellious," she started strong, "as per her announcement and intent upon the seat is a threat to the Empire we have always known, what I have striven for the entirety of my life. That it is that woman who speaks these words now," she paused, looked away.

"A scientist who would claim the seat for their ends, and an Inquisitor promising a new age where he will see that strength will outweigh prejudice," she thought aloud, "Their presentation was not without merit but I find their character lacking. Uncommon, as it is, for an Inquisitor to promise that he will bring people together. Then we find ourselves with the scientist, an apprentice to Zash. She does not yet appear to be mad, but I have seen the violence and fanaticism that Zash attracts in her apprentices. Though effective, and well directed, they may be."

"They are, however, not without the potential to reveal their merit. I am certain we shall see what these other contestants are made of in the coming days."
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:55 pm

"The talk of 'a new age' that moves beyond racial superiority... and inferiority, seems to me to be mostly about grandstanding to some members of the Council and the outsiders." She shook her head. "It's not something that is bound to change with the rise of one Council member, and well... look at Hoshi. There's already possibilities for those strong enough."

That made her wonder more about the future. If the reason why it was hard to glean the future of the Council was because the Emperor had more plans for them? Was a new purge coming?

"Just... be careful in these trials. There is more at work than just filling two council seats, I think..."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:41 am

"I will remain vigilant," she reassured her, "for a race to the heights of out Empire there is far more chaos than I would have ever thought tolerable. It will be a veritable challenge of subduing the disorder I wish to extinguish from the galaxy just to claim the seat I will need to do it from."
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:54 am

"Something something chaos is a ladder, something something." She kept her face straight for a few moments, then laughed. "Saw that in a holoseries, I think."

"Anyway," Shaisha sobered a little from her laugh. "Don't forget to enjoy your soon married-life too in these hectic times. Might even be good for your sanity to unwind once in a while with Syl."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:23 am

"Perhaps, and I find my time for my soon to be husband. We both have our work," she said, "but I am certain that our lives are quite boring and stressful in comparison to your own. Often it is cause to think we are merely cut from different cloth."
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:01 am

She couldn't help but to laugh a little. "My life has been surprisingly boring the past years, to be honest. Compared to the famous Steel Valkyrie." It was hard not to tease Kristal a little bit about that nickname.

"Pregnancy and motherhood made me take a step back from more active field-work, but it gave me the opportunity to study more closely under Vowrawn, as well as practicing other skills." Her shoulders shrugged casually. "Saying that we're cut from different cloth isn't too far from the truth, but even so, two different pieces can come together to create something."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:36 am

"Shaisha," she said, a slight smirk, "I do not believe you, of all people in this galaxy would manage to make a few years of time boring. Perhaps, I think, in comparison to your usual it may appear so but if there is one thing I know, it is your ability to make even the most mundane a little more exciting."

"And that, is why, as different as we have always been. We have always come together and done that which others could not, and enjoyed adventures neither alone would have done, or perhaps in your case a time or two, survived," she said the last with a little smile.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:54 am

"More like boring compared to the usual thrills I go for," she grinned, "but true, motherhood hasn't been boring exactly. Just a different kind of tempo, as I'm sure you know."

At Kristal's words, she nodded confidently. "We always get together for some trouble - occassionally we do something for the greater good. So do let me know if you're stirring up trouble anywhere and need a helping hand, as I've been itching for something wild again."

"Besides, it might set a good example to the Council that the two of us are able to work together."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Kristal Serasai on Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:18 pm

"Perhaps," she said, a small glimmer of a grin upon her features, "or perhaps it will only inspire them to put more obstacles in our way. Whichever the case, I would appreciate the ability to have you along for something again. There are... always angles, I find, that you have been able to see where I cannot. Something that has aided us as much as harmed us in the past, if I recall."

"It is an advantage I have long missed," she said.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: Friend Like Me (D2, EE, Haunted Halls)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Fri Jun 21, 2019 3:31 am

She looked a little bit hurt at that, but it was hard to tell if it was meant in jest or if it was sincere. "Ah, I can't claim responsibility for all those times..."

"But yeah, looking forward to that again too. And of course, you and Syl are welcome here anytime. The kiddos too. Will need to see them sometime and see if they take more after you, which will be good, or more after Syl, which... oh well, I'd pity the child."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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